I think I am going to give up on trying to keep up with mass listings

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Today I was determined not to let my one listing at a time get buried-- silly me!!!

I just can't keep up with it! Sellers that list in mass (10+) several times a day either know something I don't or just can afford to do this- I can't -- and it is kinda depressing to think I thought I could :(


Posted at 7:41pm Nov 20, 2008 EST


CleanRinse says

I hear you! My category used to be very very small, but there's been a sudden influx it seems. My items used to be on the first page for nearly a week! Now it's a day. I've seen shops renew their ENTIRE inventory each day...crazy! I'm not keeping up with that!

Posted at 7:42pm Nov 20, 2008 EST

WrenWillow says

i hear ya. it is disheartening, particularly if you make ooak.

Posted at 7:43pm Nov 20, 2008 EST

I am with you JPAT. I couldn't afford the fees associated with the mass listings.

Posted at 7:43pm Nov 20, 2008 EST


how do they pay those huge etsy fees-- I mean really??

Posted at 7:43pm Nov 20, 2008 EST

CleanRinse says

I'm counting on them putting themselves out of business fairly quickly :P

Posted at 7:44pm Nov 20, 2008 EST

moonofglass avatar
moonofglass says

Wow, why would you renew your entire shop listing in one day?!? I'm amazed that folks would do that...

I renew about 5 times a day. I figure it's worth a dollar a day - and so far, it has been. Wow...

Posted at 7:45pm Nov 20, 2008 EST

JPAT - I agree too. Although, you've got LOTS of sales (including one to me!) so you must be doing something right. How many items do you post a day? Wish I had that many sales!!! Are you promoting a different way?

I sometimes wonder if my sales would go up if I did a mass posting for a period of time..like a week or something. (know i'd pay the higher fees if i didn't get a sale)

Posted at 7:45pm Nov 20, 2008 EST

JPat, I'm with you, sister. I can only do so much. It is just me, with a lot of help from my husband, but it is tough. I can't help but think I'm a pretty successful seller, but it is hard to be seen in the sea of mass listing.

Posted at 7:46pm Nov 20, 2008 EST

JPAT, if they are new, I think they will be quite surprised when they get their Etsy bill. YIKES! As the kids would say "Sucks to be you!" :)

Posted at 7:46pm Nov 20, 2008 EST