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Original Post

dahlila says

I know this issue has been raised before but I am continually baffled, with thousands of ETsy sellers, why the same few constantly show up on the front page treasury.

Etsy picks those pages to be there. It seems like the grand few are getting the best promotion possible and the rest are just left to their own devices.

I think this is horribly unfair, especially since we all pay the same renewel and seller fees. We should be getting the same advertising privliges. This elitest thing has got to stop. Playing favorites is rotten and nearing unethical.


Let them know you are paying attention. Add your name to this list. Maybe, YOU will get a chance to land on the front page, more than once in your Etsy career.


Posted at 8:07pm Nov 21, 2008 EST


I have NEVER been on the Front Page - but I would LOVE to be there :o)

I've never seen healing jewelry there, either ...

Posted at 8:08pm Nov 21, 2008 EST

Being on the front page would be a dream come true!

Posted at 8:08pm Nov 21, 2008 EST

A. Sofia Batiz avatar
BatizJewelry says

I've never been on the front page either :}

Posted at 8:09pm Nov 21, 2008 EST

pfeifferphotos avatar
pfeifferphotos says

I'm not upset about it but do notice there are repeats on the FP and, yes, we'd love to be there sometime.

Posted at 8:10pm Nov 21, 2008 EST

DreamyGems says

I have NEVER been on the front page before but I would Be Ecstatic If I Ever was!
Thanks for posting this dahlila! :)

Posted at 8:10pm Nov 21, 2008 EST

It doesn't bother me, since *we* (the members) make the treasuries... but I would love to make it to the FP for sure :)

Posted at 8:11pm Nov 21, 2008 EST

I am new at this and would really like the exposure.
I find it frustrating that all the showcase slots are almost always taken!!

Posted at 8:12pm Nov 21, 2008 EST

It would be nice.....thanks for looking at my shop!

Posted at 8:13pm Nov 21, 2008 EST

Carolyne Tillery avatar
elevenish says

Well, personally, I think if the same people have been on the front page, it must be because their stuff is just that good. My stuff has never been there twice, let alone once, but that's just my opinion.

Posted at 8:13pm Nov 21, 2008 EST