Local news stories about CPSIA, please post here

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Original Post

If your local paper or TV station reports on how the CPSIA will affect businesses, could you please post a link here? Thanks!

Posted at 8:42am Dec 11, 2008 EST


Bump so this doesn't get lost

While I appreciate all the bloggers I know many need to hear this from more "reputable" news agencies.

Posted at 9:31am Dec 11, 2008 EST

LittleDickensDesigns ... I was just thinking about starting a a post about the same topic. PLEASE anyone that has a web link to any story done by a recognized MEDIA OUTLET be it local TV, regional affiliate of a national station, nationally syndicated TV program, podcast of radio talk shows, magazine, recent newspaper or online news articles, post the link here. Better yet if anyone knows about an upcoming story, post where you are, what program, & what time slot the story is to be aired & others can watch or listen to it.

Posted at 10:16am Dec 11, 2008 EST

There is a thread about this on Fashion-Incubator and it sounds like there may be stories about this in the works, including possibly one in the Washington Post (fingers & toes crossed on that!). I emailed Rick Woldenberg a while back to thank him for his efforts on this and he emailed me back, so maybe I can email him and see if it's true that he is part of that WP article. If I learn anything concrete I'll let you know.

Here is the link to the Fashion-Incubator thread fashion-incubator.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=3326&start=30

Posted at 11:19am Dec 11, 2008 EST

There IS supposed to be a Washington Post article. Hopefully by Monday! If anyone sees it can you post a link? I'll keep my eyes peeled too.

Let's hope it's a good article!

Posted at 11:45am Dec 11, 2008 EST

Anyone seen any newspaper or TV stories yet?

Posted at 2:21pm Dec 12, 2008 EST

GenerationsTieDye avatar
GenerationsTieDye says

Haven't seen a one. I have contacted some consumer reporters of local TV news but not even an autoresponse. :-(

Ooh, just had a brainstorm!!!!

*disappears to find another web page*

Posted at 2:37pm Dec 12, 2008 EST

Can't wait to hear your brainstorm!

I did contact both our local TV and paper. I did get a response from the paper that said they'd read through the info I sent them and if I didn't hear anything in a day or two, that I should feel free to call or write them again.

Posted at 2:53pm Dec 12, 2008 EST

GenerationsTieDye avatar
GenerationsTieDye says

Our local news radio station has a pretty active consumer group, so I sent a "news tip" to the Business people referencing the consumer stuff and sent it off with a little "PLEEEEEASE read this big long post!" prayer.

Posted at 3:03pm Dec 12, 2008 EST

Did you send them any of the blog links that give a good overview of the problem? Rick Woldenberg's video is good too!

Posted at 3:13pm Dec 12, 2008 EST