polymer clay and koolaid

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Original Post

has anyone tried to color polymer clay with koolaid....just wondering before i make a big mess..cause i love to try new things
and i have been thinking about this for a bit......as i have lots of white clay

Posted at 10:11pm Dec 12, 2008 EST


I don't know about koolaid, but it can be painted and stained. Might be easier to get some paints?

You could try a small test piece. It may just run off though, I don't know if the color will be strong enough to stain it effectively.

Posted at 10:15pm Dec 12, 2008 EST

i don't know much about clay, but it sounds cool though.

have you tried googling this topic?

Posted at 10:17pm Dec 12, 2008 EST

It will really just make a mess, but might be fun though. It would take forever to get the grainy-ness out of the polymer clay. ♥

Posted at 10:19pm Dec 12, 2008 EST

The grainy-ness could be a cool affect though. Alcohol inks work best for dying white clay.

Posted at 10:28pm Dec 12, 2008 EST

oh alcohol ink, hummmmmmmmmmm i guess rubber gloves would be the thing to use though

Posted at 10:30pm Dec 12, 2008 EST

Mandi Koss avatar
mandimade says

I would try it. I would also use gloves.

Posted at 12:45am Dec 13, 2008 EST

TheTinyFig says

alcohol ink works best. acrylic paint works but it is messy too

Posted at 12:49am Dec 13, 2008 EST

Sounds like fun! I wonder if it would make the polymer clay scented...or smell nice? Hmmm, has anyone tried to add a scent to their polymer clay?

Posted at 10:36pm Dec 16, 2008 EST

jyphoto avatar
jyphoto says

Hmm... would that look spotty once on the clay?
It's worth a try.

Posted at 11:49pm Dec 16, 2008 EST