Would it be bad juju......

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Original Post

Let's say you wanted to use an item for a treasury, and one of the other pictures the seller has for the item is better than the 1st one, is it totally rude to ask them to edit the item and switch photos, of course telling why.

Okay, I'm ducking...don't throw anything at me - I'm just a newbie :0

Posted at 10:32pm Dec 21, 2008 EST


TheMermaidsCastle avatar
TheMermaidsCastle says

It wouldn't bother me.

Posted at 10:33pm Dec 21, 2008 EST

PussDaddy avatar
PussDaddy says

I have often wanted to ask a seller myself, but so far I haven't.

Posted at 10:33pm Dec 21, 2008 EST

Julia Mackenzie avatar
MommysMonkey says

I personally wouldn't be offended - but thats just me!

Posted at 10:33pm Dec 21, 2008 EST

Faeorain says

I don't know how others would feel, but it wouldn't bother me. Then again, I don't have many listings with more than one photo.

Posted at 10:33pm Dec 21, 2008 EST

LystraK avatar
LystraK says

I don't see a problem at all. Being in a treasury weights more than being offended, I think.

Posted at 10:33pm Dec 21, 2008 EST

smokeymountainscents avatar
smokeymountainscents says

Just my 2cents, but I wouldn't mind switching around my pix. I'm not sure how others would feel though.

Posted at 10:33pm Dec 21, 2008 EST

Especially if you worded it as 'this picture fits into my Treasury best & I think it may be front page worthy' I don't think people would feel offended.

Posted at 10:34pm Dec 21, 2008 EST

misfits says

I wouldn't be offended. Seems nuts to me to be offended because someone wants to promote me. So, for me, no. It is so easy to change the image for a couple of days.

Posted at 10:34pm Dec 21, 2008 EST

I wouldn't mind either. Funny thing is when I've made treasuries I've thought the same thing sometimes!

Posted at 10:35pm Dec 21, 2008 EST