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Original Post

My friend Theresa of TiLT Creations and I are doing some research into the different on-line venues and would LOVE your feedback! If you could leave me a note either on this thread or in my conversations telling me what sites you sell on - and answering the following questions for each site - that would be fantastic!

~ How long have you been selling with this site?
~ On a scale of 1-10, (1 being hardest and 10 being easiest) how hard/easy is it to navigate and use the site?
~ Have you had success selling on this site?
~ Are there any key features that find especially helpful on this site?
~ What's the community of artists like?

We'll both be blogging about this as we do our research so make sure to check out our blogs at:
www.roseworksjewelry.blogspot.com and

We'd love your stories and anything you want to tell us as well!

Thanks :)

Posted at 11:23am Dec 27, 2008 EST


windtwirler avatar
windtwirler says

I have been on ETSY for 15 months.
I would say about 6 or 7 just due to slowness of etsy
I have sold 948 things. I consider myself on etsy to be borderline successful
The letsets site helps with sales. (letsets.com)
The community is usually very nice

Posted at 11:27am Dec 27, 2008 EST

Windwirler - whew - I'd call that successful! Thanks so much for the feedback :)

Posted at 11:30am Dec 27, 2008 EST

i love etsy and have been here since 7/07. it took a little time to start selling for me. i find it to be one of the most friendly and pretty sites online for selling. i love the navagation style, the color significance and organization. other than etsy, i have a greeting card store and a website advertising my designs

Posted at 11:31am Dec 27, 2008 EST

country - have you tried in of the other sites in the past? I love etsy too :)

Posted at 11:34am Dec 27, 2008 EST

AnitaCraftyCreations avatar
AnitaCraftyCreations says

~I've been on Etsy since April of 08 but selling since August.
~I think it's VERY easy to navigate this site...but sometime it can be overwhleming.So I give it a 8
~I've had great success on this site. In just 4 short months i've gotten 400+ sales. I'm looking to do more and possibly 100% full time! Success is in the eye of the seller.
~The drop down tabs in the search area. I love how you can choose seller names, supplies, ect. It helps me to eliminate a lot of extra's that I'm not searching for.
~This community is so diverse! It's the best. You have some you don't like, some you do and some that lurk in the clouds, but at the end of the day, we all come togther and support one another. That's what makes Etsy such a amazing place.

Posted at 11:39am Dec 27, 2008 EST

PoshDots says

Great thread!

~ How long have you been selling with this site?

It will be 1 year tomorrow. :)

~ On a scale of 1-10, (1 being hardest and 10 being easiest) how hard/easy is it to navigate and use the site?

9, very user friendly

~ Have you had success selling on this site?

I've sold & painted more letters than I can count...probably 600+ now.

~ Are there any key features that find especially helpful on this site?

being able to rotate the pics, convos, forum

~ What's the community of artists like?

I've meet wonderful artists and made many great friends. Lots of support!

Posted at 11:40am Dec 27, 2008 EST

i tried ebay for a little while, but lost interest quickly. i've not heard of other sites like this to sell handmade things

Posted at 11:40am Dec 27, 2008 EST

Anita - Congrats on your success here! That's fantastic :)

Posted at 11:50am Dec 27, 2008 EST

PoshDots - Happy "Etsy" Birthday! And Congrats on all your sales! Thanks for the feedback :)

Posted at 11:51am Dec 27, 2008 EST