You can trash someone's feedback because they didn't like a THREAD here?

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alorinna says

It just happened, and Etsy said it's not abuse of feedback.

Please define abuse of feedback.

Posted at 4:02pm Jan 9, 2009 EST


jenhintz avatar
jenhintz says

Etsy makes the rules, so they are the ones who will have to give you that definition. This sounds like something best handled privately.

Posted at 4:03pm Jan 9, 2009 EST

alorinna says

(and it didn't happen to me, so anyone with a kneejerk reaction of "calling out is against the rules" can just stop in advance.

Posted at 4:03pm Jan 9, 2009 EST

stamp avatar
stamp says

You shouldn't be able to. Etsy will remove feedback if they think it's abuse.

Personally, I think this sort of behaviour, which is growing as Etsy grows and the gap between those who sell and those who dont' widens, is just one more reason to not leave FB until the transaction is complete.

Posted at 4:03pm Jan 9, 2009 EST

alorinna says

As a seller, this seriously concerns me, because this means that anyone can do this to anyone here.

I'd like to know the answer. This forum is for asking question of Admin, and I'm doing so.

Posted at 4:04pm Jan 9, 2009 EST

excely says

From what I've seen, it sounds like there's far more than one wrong in this situation. I'll leave it at that.

Posted at 4:04pm Jan 9, 2009 EST

BigFish says

Gosh you sound annoyed! and i would be too. Feedback is for product and service surely???

Posted at 4:04pm Jan 9, 2009 EST

artisanwoodcrafting avatar
artisanwoodcrafting says

well i know who its all about, so it is still calling out.

Posted at 4:04pm Jan 9, 2009 EST

artisanwoodcrafting avatar
artisanwoodcrafting says

etsy has said all along, that ones forums posts do reflect on ones business, so....

Posted at 4:05pm Jan 9, 2009 EST