OMG someone is copying me! Wry&Ginger's Lessons in Business Part 1

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Welcome to Wry&Ginger's Lessons on How to Suck It Up in Business.

This is a series of lessons that will discuss how to cope with some common complaints that we hear when doing business on Etsy.

Today we being with a perennial favourite

Here, like everywhere else in the world, some people originate ideas, some take ideas and put a whole new spin on them, and others like to go with a trend and do like the originator or the spinner.

Now I could go in to a lengthy and mind numbingly boring explanation of copyright, trademark and patent law in the USA and other countries, but that would take me forever, and you would just end up disappointed to learn that in the vast VAST majority of cases, there is sweet FA that you can do.

So here is my advice for you:

If someone is copying your ideas, glance back at them over your shoulder and whisper "good luck keeping up sucker!" and just get on with making your cool and original shit.

I mean, you weren't planning on making the same stuff forever, were you?

Well done and lesson learned.

Posted at 1:09pm Feb 1, 2009 EST


trilei says

Best advice I've heard in ages! :)

Posted at 1:10pm Feb 1, 2009 EST

rtbfFirstName5615142 rtbfLastName5615142 avatar
rtbfLoginName5615142 says

I love you. Best business lesson, ever!
I saw an Etsy card, featured somewhere one time that said "Suck it up, cupcake".

Posted at 1:11pm Feb 1, 2009 EST

So funny and so true!

Posted at 1:11pm Feb 1, 2009 EST

ANd what do I charge for this?


Best deal in town.

Posted at 1:11pm Feb 1, 2009 EST

anamano says

totally agree...

imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?


Posted at 1:11pm Feb 1, 2009 EST

PoshDots says


Posted at 1:11pm Feb 1, 2009 EST

Leigh Stevens avatar
LeastLikely2Breed says

I mean, you weren't planning on making the same stuff forever, were you?

But I do! I do!

I'm a brand baby and sick my lawyers dogs on you.grrrrrrrr

Posted at 1:11pm Feb 1, 2009 EST

pixiebell says

*stamps feet and pouts* ..but I wanted to boohoo for awhile and get a bunch of fake sympathy

Posted at 1:11pm Feb 1, 2009 EST