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Original Post

HappySouls says

******Between 1 and 200******

I've picked 6 random numbers.
One number has been assigned the "grand prize".


**Set of 6 Watercolor Cards**
Including: Love Monster, Flaming Fleurs, Super Gnome§ion_id=5859499

**Any Clay Pendant of your Choice**§ion_id=5793511



**Any Clay Pendant of your Choice**§ion_id=5793511


All 6 numbers are DIFFERENT and the FIRST person to guess each of my chosen numbers will be immediately notified and I will announce it on this thread.

ONE ENTRY PER DAY ALLOWED, although I do *encourage* chatting to keep the thread on the top of the list!

When you enter a number, type ONLY that number in your post. If you'd like to chat, you can, but post that separately.

There's no time limit to this!

*****HAVE FUN!******

Posted at 2:56am Feb 10, 2009 EST


I pick 59

Posted at 3:04am Feb 10, 2009 EST

HappySouls says

Thanks for posting mathaowny :) Hmm... I wonder if anyone else has done this pick-a-number giveaway recently. I've been itching forever to do one and LOVE playing pick-a-number games :D

Posted at 3:06am Feb 10, 2009 EST

dmattliano says

i pick 7

Posted at 3:07am Feb 10, 2009 EST

HappySouls says

Lucky #7. Yay for numbers! Every post narrows it down... :o

Posted at 3:09am Feb 10, 2009 EST

Tekzuki says

I'll choose 46

Posted at 3:11am Feb 10, 2009 EST

HappySouls says

Yay for even numbers, Tekzuki! I love them... *note: the numbers were randomly generated so my preference didn't influence them!* ;)

Posted at 3:15am Feb 10, 2009 EST

Tekzuki says

Lol - this is a great thread, I chose that one as it's valentino rossi's racing number!
Going to bump this up so more people can play

Posted at 3:20am Feb 10, 2009 EST

HappySouls says

Thanks tekzuki! It's neat seeing each number as an individual, giving them meaning. Hmmm. Oh, I'm so deep. ;)

Posted at 3:23am Feb 10, 2009 EST