Admin, your new treasury guidelines blow

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Not all of them, just some. Like this one (and I quote from the Storque article found here

"With this transition, we will also begin using our more focused merchandising themes as a criterion in choosing Treasury lists that are promoted to the front page."

In recent months you took more control over what appears on the front page of Etsy; handpicking your favorites, repeating the same sellers, same themes, same colors... Now you are trying to push this idea of "focused merchandising themes." So yet again you are limiting what and who will appear on the front page.

Here is something you may not know or even understand about artists and handcrafters: Most of our work is not guided by themes or kitsch trends. Many of us are trying to establish a business based on high quality, creativity and uniqueness, NOT the fad of the moment.

Esty is a selling venue and should not be dictating what we make (and before you say that you aren't - just the fact that you will be choosing items based on your themes for the FP is dictating). Why is it that you want to promote these silly themes over quality work and effectively eliminate 98% of the sellers here who will not work within your "focused merchandising themes?" I am pretty certain that a jewelry maker in Spain has little to no interest in the Kentucky Derby, so why should their chances of making it to the FP be zero when some assembler in Brooklyn glues a plastic horse to a ring and adds "mint julep" to their tags?

Posted at 7:36am Apr 17, 2009 EDT



Posted at 7:38am Apr 17, 2009 EDT

soapdeli says


Posted at 7:41am Apr 17, 2009 EDT

I *kind of* agree, but I think you've gone too far in calling the themes "silly" and suggesting that the items that make the front page are all show, and no quality.

I would like to hear what admin has to say on the subject, though.

Posted at 7:42am Apr 17, 2009 EDT

totally agree with the narrow scope of the front page.

Posted at 7:43am Apr 17, 2009 EDT

meringueshop avatar
meringueshop says

Marky Mark

Posted at 7:45am Apr 17, 2009 EDT

Judi Jamieson avatar
JudiPaintedit says

Wow.... Marking.... Good one!

Posted at 7:45am Apr 17, 2009 EDT

scylla74 says


Posted at 7:48am Apr 17, 2009 EDT

I agree with Fuzzy,

however I am not all keen on the "handpicked by Admin" FPs, they always seem unfocused
(and a tad repetetive lol).

The ones where Admin have searched using a theme
ie Spring, the colour "Lime green" etc
I usually like.

But I like best the quirky Treasury FPs
picked by individual Etsians :)

Posted at 7:49am Apr 17, 2009 EDT