Out of work? I'll buy something!

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Original Post

Here's the deal. I am pretty new to Etsy. I don't have much feedback and I think having more would help my sales. After thinking about this, I've decided I need to do a little shopping. Additionally, I would love to buy something from someone who is out of work and really needing a hand. I am thankful that I do have a job. (Even if it is just teaching school and the salary isn't great,) I have enough to share.

I definitely believe in charitable giving but rewarding someone for hard work is even better. That is the American Way and the foundation of the free enterprise system.

I hope others will join me. Tell us if you need some help. I can't wait to shop!

Posted at 5:12pm May 19, 2009 EDT


I'm not out of work or anything like that, I'm not here to make a sale, just wanted to tell you that what you're doing is pretty cool. Thumbs up! I hope you find some ppl who genuinely need a sale. Have a great day!

Posted at 5:15pm May 19, 2009 EDT

You are so sweet! How nice to see this kind of generosity. :)

Posted at 5:15pm May 19, 2009 EDT

Well, I am not working because I was hoping to make etsy a full time job! So far it hasn't happened but I am hoping one day it will! Please feel free to take a look at my shop. :)

Posted at 5:15pm May 19, 2009 EDT

bruce822 says

I appreciate your generosity, but you've just opened up the door to more sob stories than any human should have to endure.

I suggest you just go browse around and find something you like and buy it, I can guarantee you that whomever is the recipient of your sale needs it and will appreciate it.

Posted at 5:15pm May 19, 2009 EDT

PoPkO says

hello- thats very nice of you. i am fine and I am working (etsy is my job!) but wanted to point out that you can search any of these threads about being laid off from a job to possibly find people to help

Posted at 5:16pm May 19, 2009 EDT

Lisa Amato avatar
photoamato says

vintagecarolina, you are amazing. Not only because of this thread, but because you're a teacher. People like you make this world a better place.

Posted at 5:17pm May 19, 2009 EDT

Lisa avatar
stumptowncrafts says

marking and agreeing with Ghandi...er...I mean Bruce.

Posted at 5:17pm May 19, 2009 EDT

lechatrose avatar
lechatrose says

What a nice thing to do :)

Great karma will come from it!

Posted at 5:18pm May 19, 2009 EDT

Peaches4me avatar
Peaches4me says

This is so sweet :)

Posted at 5:18pm May 19, 2009 EDT