Has it always been this way?

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Original Post

ethora says

I opened my Etsy shop on April 30th of this year, so I'm still technically a newbie. For the most part, I've really enjoyed my time at Etsy. Sure the website is lacking in many ways, but I've been watching admin make some positive changes in this respect, like working on a way to let people rearrange their shops, and this is encouraging to me.

And I love the way that so many people in the Etsy community support one another. This is my favorite thing of all.

What bothers me, however, is a trend I've been noticing in the forums, and I'm wondering if this is new or something that's been going on for years. The trend is:

1. Users bring up an important issue,
2. Admin ignores the issue up to the point where people begin to pull their own hair out of the heads,
3. Admin swoops in with a banal statement that only partly addresses the issue,
4. wash, rinse, repeat.

Meanwhile, sales and views keep falling. Of course this is in part due to the economy, it has to be, but there are also some legitimate problems with searches and tags that are taking too long to be addressed and are even being outright censored! This last part is what concerns me most of all.

So my question to my fellow Etsy folk is this - Has it always been this way...or did I just join at a bad time?

Should I stick it out? There really are a lot of things to love about Etsy and I want to give it a shot, but I'm not feeling as warm and fuzzy about it as I did when I first joined.

Posted at 3:39pm Jun 13, 2009 EDT


nope it has not always been this way. I have been here since 2006 ;)

Posted at 3:41pm Jun 13, 2009 EDT

bytheway says

Hmm, I had the same question when I joined a year ago - when they promptly changed vintage search.
About the same, I'd say :)

Posted at 3:41pm Jun 13, 2009 EDT


Posted at 3:41pm Jun 13, 2009 EDT

OhFaro says

Yea, it's the repeat that gets to me.

The issue you are seeing is very serious and it's not going away.

I've been here three years and this is the worst one yet, in my view.

I'd hold on and see what they do before throwing in the towel.

Posted at 3:42pm Jun 13, 2009 EDT

bytheway says

LOVE you shop, ethora!

Posted at 3:42pm Jun 13, 2009 EDT

I am fairly new here myself, but I have decided not to actually rely on etsy to "showcase" my stuff. I am trying other outlets for that. Also, think of it like a brick and mortar store. It could be monthes before you have your first sale. I think patience. Nothing happens quickly in life.

Posted at 3:43pm Jun 13, 2009 EDT

ethora says

thefiddlintrucker, The thing is - The number one way to promote outside of Etsy, online, is to work the major search engines...and this has been an an obstacle for Etsy users since April (before I even got here), I believe.

Personally, I'm happy with my sales here. I'm already selling jewelry as fast as I can make it, so this is not a thread to complain about MY low views. It's the censorship vibe and frustrated users being ignored that is deeply concerning to me, and I don't know who else but you all to talk to about it.

Posted at 3:50pm Jun 13, 2009 EDT

Nelly23 says

yes, it's all been about the same.... Admin has been trying to make some changes, but they have been very slow and not always for the good of the seller here on ETsy....

Posted at 3:50pm Jun 13, 2009 EDT

ethora says

Bytheway, thank you! :)

Posted at 3:51pm Jun 13, 2009 EDT