Low views... messed up SEO? Take matters into your own hands!!!

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Timothy Adam avatar
TimothyAdamDesigns says

I totally agree that the views on Etsy are low... due to the batch listing and the recent SEO mess up....

I have seen the direct effects of the batch listings and the messed up SEO... My Etsy shop has dropped a page rank from 3 to 4.... i have worked hard to get it to that point and I am losing views in the search engine area.


I have said this before and will say it again... Take matters into your own hands.

Promote your SHOP....

My top 3 places I get traffic to my Etsy shop are Twitter, Facebok and Blogging. Search engines are next and dead last are views directly from Etsy...

You have to adapt with the changes that are happening. That is what owning your own business is all about. Your business's success is in your hands.. You make it happen not the selling venue you have your shop on.

If your views are low... do something besides complaining about it. That will get you no where and will only discourage you and the people around you. I am not saying not to voice our opinion to admin... just don't dwell on the issue... go make it happen for yourself..GET MOTIVATED.. not discouraged by the circumstances!!!

Tomorrow is the start of a new week, start it off right by taking steps to improve your views. Don't rely on anyone else...IT IS UP TO YOU!!!!!


Posted at 2:38pm Jun 14, 2009 EDT


Woo! Great post--got me motivated!

Posted at 2:40pm Jun 14, 2009 EDT

Timothy I was wondering what you where thinking! Thanks for popping in!

Posted at 2:41pm Jun 14, 2009 EDT

Timothy Adam avatar
TimothyAdamDesigns says

You bet....

Posted at 2:43pm Jun 14, 2009 EDT

Thanks for the encouragement!

Posted at 2:46pm Jun 14, 2009 EDT

cmu55 says

Yes......thank you!!!

Posted at 2:47pm Jun 14, 2009 EDT

pixiebell says

Already doing all of those things ..they help, no doubt.

Still wanna see the SEO fixed tho ..and pronto.

Posted at 2:49pm Jun 14, 2009 EDT

SpoiledKitty avatar
SpoiledKitty says

but if Etsy isn't providing traffic, AND is messing up a seller's SEO, what exactly are they providing? They are jacking our listings with their own tags to advertise THEIR site, and giving us what exactly? There is no in house payment system, no seamless shopping cart, and now no traffic along with the threat of being banned from search engines for keyword stuffing.

I think sellers ought to look long and hard at what exactly they get from this site, and whether or not that time and effort would be better spent elsewhere.

Posted at 2:51pm Jun 14, 2009 EDT

Timothy Adam avatar
TimothyAdamDesigns says

pixiebell said:
Already doing all of those things ..they help, no doubt.

Still wanna see the SEO fixed tho ..and pronto.

I agree... there is no doubt! I am not about to sit around and wait.. I am going to amp up my promotion this week and blow it out of the water... when the SEO is I will be very happy too..... but like the post says it will be one or two weeks... I can't wait that long.. and leave my business.. my life in the hands of someone else!

Posted at 2:54pm Jun 14, 2009 EDT

please explain how i post an item link on twitter and click on the item listing in my shop immediately, already there are views. in one millisecond? and then google analytics says less views from twitter than what the views increased on the item???
and thank goodness for #etsytweets. ty op.

Posted at 2:55pm Jun 14, 2009 EDT