Question for those who make their own ear wires

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Can someone share their technique on how you soften the edges on your ear wires? Do you use a file or do you use another kind of tool? I am concerned about hurting the ear lobe as they go in.

Posted at 3:10pm Jun 27, 2009 EDT


Danny and Sofie avatar
SofiesGems says

I have two different ways to do this, depending on what's closest at hand:D I either use a file with diamond coating ( not as expensive as it sounds!) You can find it in a lot of places.
Or, I use my dremel and soften the edges with that.
hope you find something that suits you:D

Posted at 3:13pm Jun 27, 2009 EDT

awesome! A dremel I have! Thanks so much.

Posted at 3:14pm Jun 27, 2009 EDT

tinahdee says

You can also use a cup burr, it perfectly rounds the end of the wire because it is specially made to do that task.

Posted at 3:21pm Jun 27, 2009 EDT

ahhhh..more research is needed here..def.

Posted at 3:33pm Jun 27, 2009 EDT

freeforged says

Or a high grit sandpaper, like 400 or 600 grit. If you fold the sandpaper around a popsicle stick it makes it easier to hold.

Posted at 3:37pm Jun 27, 2009 EDT

Wow!! Who Knew! Very kewl..that seems simple enough. Guess I will have to test several of these ideas.

Posted at 3:42pm Jun 27, 2009 EDT

tinahdee is correct about the professional way to do it!

Posted at 3:45pm Jun 27, 2009 EDT

lisajune says

I second the cup burr! Use it with your Dremel, it'll perfectly round the end of your wire.

Posted at 3:47pm Jun 27, 2009 EDT

I use a cup burr for each size of metal, it gives you a really smooth rounded edge. Hope that helps.

love n light


Posted at 3:54pm Jun 27, 2009 EDT