ETTEAM Etsy Treasury Team August 2009

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Original Post

bytheway says

For those who enjoy creating treasuries and being in them too, come check out the Etsy Treasury Team (ETTEAM) website:

We are currently looking for new members. WELL MADE AND WELL PHOTOED ITEMS WE WILL CONSIDER: stained glass, metal or wood home decor, well-modeled, custom-made adult dresses, designer items for pets, other unique item types not represented in our team

**A reminder for all new members: please tag all your items with ETTEAM so that we can easily locate your products for treasuries**

The ETTEAM Blog can be found here:

ETTEAM Treasury updates can be found here:

Treasury West can be found here:

Poster Sketch:

To locate members we can either check the Etsy team section: or

check our yahoo group database: this list is updated immediately after a new member joins.

Check our blog (link above).

The fourth option is to simply search “All Items” on Etsy with our team tag (ETTEAM).

August challenges:
Summer Love, Tu Bav
My Dream Vacation

August Merchandising Themes:

Transition from end of summer nights to haunting allure of nesting in autumn
Outdoor and summer themes – vacationing, the beach, world travel, outdoor adventures and athletics, barbeques, outdoor entertaining
Attire – layering, mix and match basics
DIY Handmade weddings
Back to school – dorm décor, apartment design, storage solutions, office and gadget gear, new beginnings
Peridot, Leo, Virgo
• August 2nd: Friendship Day
• August 5th Tu Bav
• August 15th: Woodstock Music Festival
• August 20th: Chinese Valentine's Day, also known as The Daughters Festival
• August 21st: National Senior Citizens Day
• August 22nd: Ramadan begins
• August 24th: US Open Tennis Tournament

Looking forward to more incredible treasuries, have fun!!!

Posted at 6:52am Aug 1, 2009 EDT


bytheway says

And to start off the month with a bang, Lori411 is FP! Congrats, Lori!

Posted at 6:54am Aug 1, 2009 EDT

beadstylin says

Yay, Lori!

BTW, I hope we can include new applicants in our treasury to make up the needed six members. I did...hope that'll work.

Off to the farmer's market. My tomatoes are blooming but are refusing to set fruit, and I must have my fresh tomatoes!

Posted at 7:31am Aug 1, 2009 EDT

pjlacasse says

marking for later!

Posted at 7:56am Aug 1, 2009 EDT

arosha says

Happy August to all!!

Great to see so many of us in the peridot GG!!

VickiDiane's latest "artists upfront" treasury is featuring me - take and a look and show your much-appreciated love -

Posted at 8:35am Aug 1, 2009 EDT

Fishstikks says

Been so long since I've been here that I'm actually almost ashamed to show my face, hehe.

Have been having some major computer "hiccups" lately and have totally been unable to do much of anything. Treasuries...out, comments...out, catching up...out.

Bleh. I do want to apologize to all for my lack of, everything lately and ask for your forgiveness yet again. i am leaving town this Thursday for about 5 days to attend my High School re-union and won't be able to do anything treasury related while I'm gone.

I'm hoping to grab a treasury before I go to somewhat make up for not being around and hope that it in some tiny way makes up for...something, hehe.

Congrats to all on all the fabulousness going on around here lately, wow!

Off to catch up on some cc'ing.

Posted at 9:02am Aug 1, 2009 EDT

congrats Lori411 and to all those that made the gift guide!

I wanted to share with you one of the features I do on my blog every Saturday which has links to many of your shops:

please convo me if you notice any links aren't working properly...I did it really quickly. I have to get to my inlaws...we're setting up the apple in 14 days!


Posted at 9:29am Aug 1, 2009 EDT

WOW Kim thank you soooo much for including my POW treasury! It was a wonderful treat this morning finding that on there! I will look forward to next Saturdays collection!

I think I'm going to try and take a pic for Vicki Dane's treasuries...I'm brain storming about what I can do with my bag....any suggestions??


I'm hoping to get in to Treasury Main today! I'm doing a treasury all about me. So there won't be 6 members in. I'll post it here so you can check it out. I'm very excited about it!

Fishstikks don't you worry your pretty little head about it! :)

Posted at 10:43am Aug 1, 2009 EDT

dkjewels says

Good Morning.

Posted at 11:40am Aug 1, 2009 EDT

good morning/afternoon all

congrats all the GG and fp. I offered 20% off this weekend but didn't get to the weekend sales guide. no matter how or what I try I never get noticed by the powers that be.

Kim, I love you blog.

happy August all.

I was so busy today finishing my piece for the EBW challenge, and taking care of sick hubby.

Posted at 11:58am Aug 1, 2009 EDT