GOT GLASS? The FIRE DIVAS do!...This Week's New Lampwork Listings 8/24-8/30

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WELCOME to the Fire Divas New Lampwork Listings -
:*¨¨*: August 24 ♥•♥ August 30 :*¨¨*:

We are a group of dedicated artisan flameworkers who have come together to promote our work in handmade lampworked beads, glass sculpture, and lampworked glass jewelry...

If you love glass, you have to check out the work of the amazing FIRE DIVAS!

Visit our blog to find out who we are, get up to date news about our group, see our...
read about our FIRE DIVA of the Week and so much more...

:*¨¨*: Search "fire divas" to see all of the gorgeous glass offered to our Etsy customers :*¨¨*:

☆:*¨¨*:★:☆ ☆:*¨¨*:★:☆ ☆:*¨¨*:★:☆ ☆:*¨¨*:★:☆

Let's see what the FIRE DIVAS are listing this week!...

☆:*¨¨*:★:☆... POST POST POST ...☆:*¨¨*:★:☆

Posted at 8:50am Aug 24, 2009 EDT


Please send me your entries for the Fall Challenge...The deadline for entries is Wednesday, Aug. 26...

Poll will open Aug. 28...details are posted on our group page...

Posted at 8:54am Aug 24, 2009 EDT

lynne posted this earlier this morning...

islandgirl says:
Here's a new jellyfish from me ... this ones playing in the black coral and the pictures really suck... Still raining here although it's not coming down as hard as it was...

Posted at 8:55am Aug 24, 2009 EDT

lynne...i love this hollow in your shop...

i have a pair listed this morning...check them out...

REMINDER...please check our diva page for details on the Fall Challenge...

Posted at 8:57am Aug 24, 2009 EDT

Thanks for the reminder Eileen... I sent my entry photo in!

And.... I also listed it.. :-)

A new Set of Fall Leaves... I really like the addition of the Ekho... and I can't seem to stop myself from giving them the detailed edges...

Eileen~ Your etched pair of beads are gorgeous.. love the look.. they almost look sandblasted.. with great texture!

Posted at 10:17am Aug 24, 2009 EDT

maybeads says

I agree with Melissa - Eileen, that new pair is wonderful! The texture looks terrific!

Melissa - your leaves are stunning! These candy corn earrings are great, too:

Here's a new pooch in my shop:

Posted at 10:46am Aug 24, 2009 EDT

maybeads says

Hi again,

I just started the Round Robin sign up on FB, so I'll take whoever signs up last tonight. If you're interested, head on over and post your shop.


Posted at 11:27am Aug 24, 2009 EDT

teasebeads says

Melissa, those ekho leaves are awesome!! I also love this one:

I've got a relist today:

Posted at 11:49am Aug 24, 2009 EDT

islandgirl says

Here's a very fishy treasury with one of my goldfish in it...

I just got in from making beads... more to the point I just quit making beads when I stuck my finger in the flame.. the tip of my index finger on my right hand is black...

Gotta agree those leaves are gorgeous Melissa & Dinky is pretty cute Lauren although I'm not sure how a fearsome dog like him could be saddle with such a woosey name!

And here's a nice bead from Tease

Posted at 12:33pm Aug 24, 2009 EDT

islandgirl says

OK so my brain isn't working mine is a jellyfish... but there are some really cute goldfish earrings in the treasury!

Posted at 12:34pm Aug 24, 2009 EDT