GOT GLASS? The FIRE DIVAS do!...This Week's New Lampwork Listings 9/7-9/13

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WELCOME to the Fire Divas New Lampwork Listings -
:*¨¨*: September 7 ♥•♥ September 13 :*¨¨*:

We are a group of dedicated artisan flameworkers who have come together to promote our work in handmade lampworked beads, glass sculpture, and lampworked glass jewelry...

If you love glass, you have to check out the work of the amazing FIRE DIVAS!

Visit our blog to find out who we are, get up to date news about our group, see our...

:*¨¨*: Search "fire divas" to see all of the gorgeous glass offered to our Etsy customers :*¨¨*:

☆:*¨¨*:★:☆ ☆:*¨¨*:★:☆ ☆:*¨¨*:★:☆ ☆:*¨¨*:★:☆

Let's see what the FIRE DIVAS are listing this week!...

☆:*¨¨*:★:☆... POST POST POST ...☆:*¨¨*:★:☆

Posted at 7:37am Sep 7, 2009 EDT


good morning divas...happy labor day...hope everyone in the u.s. is enjoying the looong weekend...

winner of the fall challenge will be announced today...stay tuned...there is a twist...

we are getting closer and closer to halloween...let's see what you've got to promote halloween...

here are is a beautiful pair of great pumpkin earrings...

Posted at 7:43am Sep 7, 2009 EDT

islandgirl says

It's a long weekend here too! Kids here don't start school until tomorrow

Here's my hallowe'en promo...

This is a rudbeckia relist fall colours and they are still blooming here....

and here's a 'day of the dead' mask from Eileen's shop!

Posted at 9:00am Sep 7, 2009 EDT

maybeads says

Good morning! It has been a long weekend here - the kids had the day off on Friday as well. Of course, homework has to get done today . . . I tried to warn them about procrastination.

Here's my Halloween turtle

and this wonderful bird from Lynne: there's a black cat in the last picture, so there's some more Halloween.

Posted at 9:22am Sep 7, 2009 EDT

Still trying to wake up! Found myself in a couple treasuries that could use some love

I love this little owl

Posted at 11:01am Sep 7, 2009 EDT

Hi all! It's been a busy weekend, no holiday for me, I have to work.

Here's a Fire Diva treasury

Posted at 11:03am Sep 7, 2009 EDT

Mallory Hoffman avatar
rosebud101 says

Just stopped by to say Hi! I'm taking a nap soon. This 4 AM stuff is for the birds.

Posted at 12:03pm Sep 7, 2009 EDT

Good morning Divas... Hope you are all having a great weekend!!

Thanks to everyone that participated and voted in our Fall Challenge...

I can not accept the prize though... being in charge of the challenge.. that just would be right.. so... Lynne.. YOU ARE THE WINNER!!!!

Janel and Eileen thank you for donating prizes!!!!

and of course.. Eileen.... thanks so much for putting the poll together!@

Posted at 12:11pm Sep 7, 2009 EDT

Yes, Kudos to Eileen! I know you were swamped with tree damage and really busy so thanks so much!!!!

Melissa, I love your Swish focal...the cased silvered ivory dots look like EYES! Amazing!

And this beauty is expiring soon in Jennifer's shop...Hope it finds a home!

Here's a new set of Chocolates... my biggest set and nicest mixture.

Insomnia last night... I need a nap!

Posted at 3:19pm Sep 7, 2009 EDT

CONGRATS to lynne for winning the Fall Challenge...the fun for me was that it was a "blind" vote since no shops were linked to the poll will have links if ya'll want...
here's the WINNING bead...

i've been swamped with our "little brother" shop many AWESOME candles to list...if you haven't stopped by please do and show some love...a new holiday scent...Spruce Christmas Tree...oh so good...

here's a relist from me today...

Posted at 8:27pm Sep 7, 2009 EDT