~♥ ♥ ~♥ ♥ ~♥ ♥ ~ Etsy Project Embrace ~♥ ♥ ~♥ ♥ ~♥ ♥ ~

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Kristin Love avatar
loveartworks says

~♥♥~ Etsy Project Embrace Team Thread ~♥♥~

Hello and Welcome to the Etsy Project Embrace ChitChat Thread! We are a Universal Coalition of Artists whose main purpose is to create awareness and support for people who have been diagnosed with Cancer, whatever kind it may be. The project began as a way to help our friend and wonderful Etsian, Laura Slocum, who has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and is currently having chemotherapy. You can read more about Laura and her incredible uplifting journey here: www.etsy.com/profile.php?user_id=6760712
Feel free to join us on this Thread, by sharing your experiences, giving out healing energy to those who need it and posting any EPE related information including Treasuries, blog posts, donation listings, announcements, etc….. or just a friendly post to say “Hi!”….
We’re glad you’re here!! :)

♥For a list of all our members and for details on how you can join in the growing community of compassionate and caring Etsy sellers, please check out our profile in the Etsy Teams section:

♥Many of our members are donating the profits, or percentage of profits, from one or more of their listings to the American Cancer Society (ACS) for cancer research. For a look at our Etsy Project Embrace ACS Fundraiser Page, please click here:
Contact Jenn at jennreese7.etsy.com for any questions you may have a bout the logistics of donating to our ACS Team page!

♥We have CHANGED our TAG!! We are using the tag "teamepe" now and to find our member’s donation related listings, please look here:
Any questions on this, please contact Kristin at loveartworks.etsy.com . I realize it is a tad inconvenient to re-tag everything, but it was part of becoming "official" and could not be helped. :)

♥We are having a blast on Facebook! :)
Contact Ames at adornbyamysingley.etsy.com for any info/questions about all things EPE Facebook!

♥And Tweet-Tweeting away on Twitter! :
Contact Ames at adornbyamysingley.etsy.com for any info/questions about all things EPE tweeeeeeeet!

~♥~Useful Links~

Poster Sketch: www.etsy.com/poster_sketch.php
Treasury West: www.etsy.com/treasury_west.php
Are you in a Treasury? www.craftopolis.com/
Front Page Treasury Archive and your Shop Statistics:

If you have any questions or would like more information please contact Kristin at loveartworks.etsy.com or, if Kristin isn’t available, please contact Kim at slinkymalinkicat.etsy.com

♥Our Newest Members....as of September 25Th!♥
(not on the Team homepage…..yet!)


♥Welcome again and together, with caring, hope, compassion and love we can create awareness and make a difference!

Posted at 7:03am Sep 26, 2009 EDT


Kristin Love avatar
loveartworks says


Welcome to the new thread EVERYONE!!!


We are an exciting, wonderful, FUNtabulously Official Etsy Team as of yesterday!!

Hooo-Ray for ALL of us!! :)

BIG THANKS to Kathi Roussel who created the Stunningly Gorgeous Banner for our Team Homepage...YAY Kathi!! You ROCK!! :)

Big THANKS AGAIN to Ames for ALL of your Awesome work on creating and MAINTAINING our outside Etsy Links on Facebook and Twitter...YOU ROCK TOO!! :)

And JENN...Your Work on Keeping up the ACS donation page is INVALUABLE...Thank You for ROCKIN' us out over there! :)

Ginny....Your work on the THREAD is amazing and I am so Grateful.....Rockin' the ETSY connection!! YAY!! :)

And finally......KIM, I could NOT have done this without you...you are the best....massive THANKS!! :)

I think I have covered everything either above in our opening statement, in the letter I am sending out or on the new Team homepage!! If you have ANY questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me!!

And.....YES!! If you read the opening announcement above....YOU MUST change your TAGS!!! Please!
There was no way around this as it was done in order to ensure that we are "found" by Etsy Admin when they are searching listings to use in promotions and such.
for tagging any more.

And you will need to CHANGE ALL of your older listings to the NEW TAG of:


I cannot stress this enough as this is the Tag that people will be searching for to use in Treasuries, to buy things related to Project Embrace, and any outside promotion!

Also, I am going to go back to the old thread and "bring" all of Ginny's hard work finding recent Treasuries here to this one, so you don't have to jump back and forth...YAY!!

Have an incredibly creative and awesome weekend everyone!!
:) Kristin

Posted at 7:22am Sep 26, 2009 EDT

Whooooo Hoooooo! Thank you so much Kristin for all of your hard work and for the new thread!

Welcome to the new thread everybody!

I am about to copy and paste some of Ginny's treasury links from the old thread ....

From Laura lauraslocumpainted
From barefootweaver Cait
From moonovermaize Monica
From gooodmorning (Aija)
From MonarchDancer Jackie
From Macclancy Marianne
From AnAngelAtMyTable
From Happyment (Rasa)
From loveartworks (Kristin) Happy Birthday!
From sigmosaics Kerrin
From maclancy Marianne
From Happyment (Rasa) another one
From me

Have a very lovely weekend my lovelies!

Posted at 7:50am Sep 26, 2009 EDT

kathi roussel avatar
kathiroussel says

fantastic news kristen and kim!!! i want to thank you both for all of your effort in getting epe on the map as an official etsy team-- a beautiful accomplishment!!!

and thanks again to amy singley who set up the epe twitter and face book pages!!!

and to ginny huber for locating and reporting on the epe related treasuries-- and all of her thoughtful comments every time :) :) :)

and especially to laura slocum who has put 100% of her beautiful heart into this project, and has inspired us all with her fighting and loving spirit-- and a fantastic sense of humor. laura you are a light!!! we love you!!

xoxo to all who have been making wonderfully inspired treasuries, donating funds to the ACS, and helping or contributing in whatever capacity they can!!

this is just the beginning... and i'm so happy to be part of this wonderful group!!



Posted at 8:49am Sep 26, 2009 EDT

kathi roussel avatar
kathiroussel says

oh-- and this treasury is linked to the new team page as of this morning!

Posted at 8:53am Sep 26, 2009 EDT

3squares says

fabulous news, kristin! happy to be a part of this wonderful team. i am off to change my tags as we speak.

and beautiful treasuries, everyone. thank you for including me in some of the most gorgeous collections i've seen.

Go TeamEPE!!


Posted at 9:22am Sep 26, 2009 EDT

What wonderful news!! And great you got the go ahead on your birthday, fantastic!! I'm proud to be a member of this team :)

Posted at 9:28am Sep 26, 2009 EDT

kathi roussel avatar
kathiroussel says

and one last link--i posted word about the new team on my blog: kathiroussel.blogspot.com/


Posted at 9:49am Sep 26, 2009 EDT

YAY!!!! Fantastic news!!! I feel so empowered instead of helpless to do something about this disease!!!!!!! My sister-in-law has just finished her chemo for breast cancer and is recovering...I have lost so many relatives to various forms of cancer! When I saw all of you wonderful artists actually doing something about it I knew I had be a part of this! Thank you all for your untiring work to get us recognized as an official team!!!! You all ROCK!!! YES to all the hope you bring to everyone!! xoxo Cait

Posted at 9:49am Sep 26, 2009 EDT

AWESOME!!! Huge thanks to all of you who have done so much to make this happen :D

Kathi- I love the banner! So bright, happy and super sweet...pretty much like every person on this team :)

Hope you all have fabulous weekends!

Posted at 10:07am Sep 26, 2009 EDT