When do you work?

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Original Post

SnuggyBaby says

How do you guys manage your time to create your products? I know that lots of you still have a day job. I have to manage my schedule around nap times and after bed times and in a pinch during Dora the Explorer. Thank godness for On Demand.

What works best for you guys to get things done?

Posted at 5:11pm Sep 30, 2009 EDT


Whenever I can. Sometimes when I can't sleep I work on something and sometimes they tur out great.


Posted at 5:17pm Sep 30, 2009 EDT

My kids are all in school so that definitely gives me more time during the day. But, we also milk cows and I have a home to take care of and cooking, etc. I usually work on creating from 11- 3:30 with a break for lunch w/hubby on most weekdays.

Posted at 5:18pm Sep 30, 2009 EDT

I work from home for my job so I've had to create a list of 'to-dos'...otherwise I'd spend all day browsing etsy ;)

Posted at 5:19pm Sep 30, 2009 EDT

scrapaddict, that's so cool you have cows! :)

Posted at 5:19pm Sep 30, 2009 EDT

I dont work, I'm a housewife. I usually create during the day.

Posted at 5:21pm Sep 30, 2009 EDT

My husband and I just moved to Virginia to take care of his mom so I am still trying to get a schedule down. I would like to see how other people fit their creativity into their schedule.

Posted at 5:22pm Sep 30, 2009 EDT

VieModerne says

When don't I work?

Posted at 5:22pm Sep 30, 2009 EDT

Elizabeth D'Imperio avatar
EntropyDesigns says

I work PT and so I have days set aside that I spend in the studio. I have had less time selling online this summer with shows and markets however so that part I have not figured out yet.
I am expecting a little one in a few months so we will see what happens then.

Posted at 5:22pm Sep 30, 2009 EDT

I come home from my day job, eat dinner and start leather working! How much I do depends on the day, but I do a little something almost every day. On my days off from my day job I'll often work all day. I love leather work so most of it's not really "work" to me! I also don't really have a life - LOL.

Posted at 5:22pm Sep 30, 2009 EDT