Mommy, HELP!

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Okay, a bit dramatic a title, but I needed to grab your attention (hopefully now, I've got it). I am continually in awe of all of the moms on Etsy who manage to set up shop, and continually create new listings. I am so fortunate that my partner shares much of the parenting duties with me - and yet, with all of that help, I still haven't managed to actually get into the studio and create anything new in a while.

I need to know the secret - is it babysitters? We have a fifteen month old daughter, and after a full day of caring for her - I'm too pooped to get anything other than the networking done.

I finally blew the dust off my blog today, and got back into the swing of things - but I'd love to know how you manage your time - because clearly, I can't manage mine!


Posted at 2:20am Oct 14, 2009 EDT



... actually I have no idea.
I would probably have to take a 5 year vacation.
I suspect I would limit myself to 3 or 4 hours (however sporadic that would be) per day. I could bribe grandma pretty easily I bet.

Posted at 2:25am Oct 14, 2009 EDT

It gets easier as they get older,mine are 12yrs & almost 16yrs now so I get time to myself during day.
No way I would have had energy to do this if they were toddlers.
You'll get there,toddlers are so exhausting.
good luck:)

Posted at 2:26am Oct 14, 2009 EDT

i couldn't get anything consistently done when my kids were that little. It gets easier when they are in school. don't stress out too much. they're only little once:)

Posted at 2:28am Oct 14, 2009 EDT

LiciaBeadsVault says:

... actually I have no idea.
I would probably have to take a 5 year vacation.
I suspect I would limit myself to 3 or 4 hours (however sporadic that would be) per day. I could bribe grandma pretty easily I bet.
Oh good, I'm not the only mommy wishing for the next five years off! hahaha

That's what I have to do, 3-4 hours a day; but between bathing, breakfast, email, orders, networking - I just lose track of the time! I guess I need to come up with a weekly schedule instead of a vague daily plan...

I detest schedules....

Posted at 2:29am Oct 14, 2009 EDT

lv2cr8 says

Mine aren't babies any more so it is easy. Half the time they come in my craft room and just sit and talk as I create. It is tough when they are little though. Hang in there.

Posted at 2:33am Oct 14, 2009 EDT

lifesamenagerie says:
"they're only little once:) "

Soon you will only see them when they want money...

Schedules can help but they take a lot of practice to get used to if they are a big alteration.

good luck mom :)

Posted at 2:33am Oct 14, 2009 EDT

bonesbags says

Mommy you ask? That's me. For 7 months now. And I have no answer to your question. The guilt is the worst part, I think. Guilty that I'm sitting at the computer, and there are dishes in the sink. Or guilty that I haven't made the bed yet. This is what I tell myself:

"[My husband] doesn't wonder what I do all day, even if the dishes haven't been done. He doesn't even notice that the laundry needs to be put away after two days of sitting on the couch. He understands."

That's what helps me :)

Posted at 2:34am Oct 14, 2009 EDT

bonesbags says:

Mommy you ask? That's me. For 7 months now. And I have no answer to your question. The guilt is the worst part, I think.
I hear you loud and clear - I always have felt super guilty if I'm not constantly doting on Marley, also - as lifesamenagerie points out "they're only little once" - constantly hangs on my head. Guilt is a useless emotion, and yet, I always seem to find a place for it.

By the way, though I'm clearly by no means an expert here - enjoy those naps now - your wee one will definitely not want to nap once walking is on the horizon.

Posted at 2:40am Oct 14, 2009 EDT

Seriously, I need some suggestions (not to say that I don't appreciate all of the input already) - I just need to hear from mamas with toddlers that still manage to get it all done - how?????

Posted at 3:08am Oct 14, 2009 EDT