GOT GLASS? The FIRE DIVAS do!...New Lampwork Listings - Week of 10/26-11/1

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emakaye says

WELCOME to the Fire Divas New Lampwork Listings -
:*¨¨*: October 26 ♥•♥ November 1 :*¨¨*:

We are a group of dedicated artisan flameworkers who have come together to promote our work in handmade lampworked beads, glass sculpture, and lampworked glass jewelry...

If you love glass, you have to check out the work of the amazing FIRE DIVAS!

Visit our blog to find out who we are, get up to date news about our group, see our...

:*¨¨*: Search "fire divas" to see all of the gorgeous glass offered to our Etsy customers :*¨¨*:

☆:*¨¨*:★:☆ ☆:*¨¨*:★:☆ ☆:*¨¨*:★:☆ ☆:*¨¨*:★:☆

Let's see what the FIRE DIVAS are listing this week!...

☆:*¨¨*:★:☆... POST POST POST ...☆:*¨¨*:★:☆

Posted at 10:18am Oct 26, 2009 EDT


emakaye says

I hope you don't mind but I was looking for this weeks thread and didn't see it so I began one.

BTW...I love your new dragonfly earrings...

Posted at 10:20am Oct 26, 2009 EDT

maybeads says

Good morning! Ema - I LOVE the color of this bead It's gorgeous!

I finally have some new beads in my shop - a couple new doxies:
dapple doxie:
Snuggie doxie:

Posted at 10:30am Oct 26, 2009 EDT

emakaye says

Thanks Lauren,
I am LAUGHING at Snuggie doxie... I love it...GREAT job!

I have a new Worry Stone of Blue focal...

Etsy keeps booting me off so I will be back later.

Posted at 10:59am Oct 26, 2009 EDT

maybeads says

Ema - the Worry Stone is beautiful!

Glad you liked the doxie in the snuggie - I had fun with that one.

I just found daveshomemade in the Etsy voter yippee! I've smelled that candy cane candle, and it is yummy!

Posted at 12:50pm Oct 26, 2009 EDT

Hi gang.... frantic ...the web craft show people be here in hours and I still have to set up the 2nd torch for the host.... AND... they want to tape a cookie segement too!!!! CRap! What a crazy day and I haven't slept in two nights!

Here's a new shell

Lauren, love the raku doxy!

Off to scrub down the kitchen and set up tanks. UGH! And I still have to look pretty by 2! (That'll take a miracle!)

Ema, The worry stones are so neat! This is my fave:

Posted at 12:58pm Oct 26, 2009 EDT

Oh, the RR thread is OPEN!

Posted at 1:05pm Oct 26, 2009 EDT

hi divas...thank you so much ema for stepping up to the plate and starting the thread...we have been down to one car this last week and i was busy this morning running to bus, work, home, work and will have to do it again this afternoon...i totally forgot until just now that it was MONDAY...

my hat goes off to ema for starting this thread...

thank you lauren for pointing out daveshomemade candle in the voter...please EVERYONE...VOTE for KandyKane candle... will do just fine...just serve them this...everyone loves cupcakes...

i love sheeba...i thought at first she was a bulldog...but no...she's a cat...

Posted at 2:12pm Oct 26, 2009 EDT

oh...i forgot...morris little was relisted too...

Posted at 2:13pm Oct 26, 2009 EDT

Eileen, It IS a crazy Monday, isn't it?? Morris is a cutie pie!

My sister is a two time breast cancer survivor so let's plug your earrings!

BTW... BoD may be late but it will be... keep showing off your goodies Divas!

Posted at 4:23pm Oct 26, 2009 EDT