Shop with EFA to Help Disabled, Senior, Special Needs Animals

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mvegan5 says

EFA Etsy for Animals: Artists Helping Animals

EFA November Charity of the Month
Chosen by Nicole of;
"An Animal Place of Love, Learning, and Education -
Brighthaven is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the well being of senior, disabled, and special animals."

Many members of EFA will give part of their November sales profits to help this wonderful cause, here are some of the items helping;

Posted at 4:48pm Oct 31, 2009 EDT


mvegan5 says

I am looking forward to helping this wonderful cause, and 10% or more of my November sales will go to help them; :)

Posted at 4:53pm Oct 31, 2009 EDT

Hi Everyone !!!

I am stunned and delighted that the Universe chose BrightHaven to be our chosen Charity of the Month as I submitted their name literally on the deadline day :)

To become acquainted with this marvelous organization, please go to where you can watch an intro video on them and learn about their philosophy.

BrightHaven has been and continues to be a role model for me in a vast many ways...

One thing in particular is learning to have the strength & courage to put aside my grief and work with death & acceptance... to create a calm, peaceful & nurturing transition for the animal at the time of their passage. I personally have walked this path doing one on one work with 4 feline daughters who either had cancer or aids. Since I am a highly sensitive and empathic human being- it is very difficult for me to let go of my emotional pain or grief in order to be fully present for the animal. I continue to feel humbled in this department.

The other thing i want to mention about BrightHaven is the wonderful email networking that they have created (i'm a link in their chain) which assists individuals & organizations to find homes for animals in crisis... including finding volunteers who will assist in relocating the animals in question. I have seen and heard how spreading the word far & wide has created solution for so many wonderful animals.

And lastly in this posting- BrightHaven continues to encourage me to work with holistic and homeopathic care of my animals.

I will leave it at that for now. Please have a looksee at the video and we'll be chatting throughout the month about these do-gooders :)

THANKS SO MUCH for supporting this wonderful organization !

Posted at 7:12pm Oct 31, 2009 EDT

Right this second... my EFA CHARITY OF THE MONTH listings are destash horn pendants/ornaments... They are made from reclaimed horn and embellished with alpaca silver & natural stones... They come in all sorts of shapes- celestial, animal, and a variety of abstract shapes.

Each time one sells- $1 is put aside for our Charity of the Month !

Here is the link to my store section where they are listed:



Posted at 7:21pm Oct 31, 2009 EDT

mvegan5 says

Wonderful to hear, brizel, thank you for submitting and helping/promoting this great and important cause! Hope EFA can raise funds and awareness for them this month and onward! :)

Posted at 5:43am Nov 1, 2009 EST

ArtOnPlanetLife avatar
ArtOnPlanetLife says

good cause, i will post for them too!

Posted at 8:19am Nov 1, 2009 EST

THANKS Arton... you have some wonderful paintings in your store and it looks like you got big Chihuahua love at home :)

Posted at 9:12am Nov 1, 2009 EST

Just want to plug a couple things. I nominated Animal Friends of Pittsburgh as a charity of the month. Animal Friends is in my hometown and they are a no kill shelter that has grown in recent years. They are always on the news for their great work and challenge of having overwhelming numbers of kittens and cats dropped off.

Posted at 9:27am Nov 1, 2009 EST

mvegan5 says

That's great , pickled, here is their website, all;

pickled is a member under the other shop,

Posted at 10:20am Nov 1, 2009 EST

midnightrabbits avatar
midnightrabbits says
this is my latest listing, proceeds being donated to EFA charity of the month.

Posted at 12:29pm Nov 1, 2009 EST