GOT GLASS? The FIRE DIVAS do!...Listings, Promos, Chat - Week 12/7•12/13

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WELCOME to the Fire Divas New Lampwork Listings -
:*¨¨*: December 7 ♥•♥ December 13 :*¨¨*:

We are a group of dedicated artisan flameworkers who have come together to promote our work in handmade lampworked beads, glass sculpture, and lampworked glass jewelry...

If you love glass, you have to check out the work of the amazing FIRE DIVAS!

Visit our blog to find out who we are, get up to date news about our group, see our...

:*¨¨*: Search "fire divas" to see all of the gorgeous glass offered to our Etsy customers :*¨¨*:

☆:*¨¨*:★:☆ ☆:*¨¨*:★:☆ ☆:*¨¨*:★:☆ ☆:*¨¨*:★:☆

Let's see what the FIRE DIVAS are listing this week!...

☆:*¨¨*:★:☆... POST POST POST ...☆:*¨¨*:★:☆

Posted at 9:07am Dec 7, 2009 EST


glassbead says

Eileen- pretty earrings

Whew, I'm back from the real world, and need to work on my shop. Errands first though. Here are a couple of relists for the moment:

And a special note to Jennifer if you're out there- the next time you do a show MAKE EARRINGS!!!!!!!
And, if you're a member of the ISGB, check out their spring auction promo- a great way to get your beads out there.

Posted at 9:17am Dec 7, 2009 EST

My son's 21 b-day today...i send him love, peace and wishes for a great day...

Diva jewelry's the flickr link to see all of the GORGEOUS entries so far...
Here's the flickr link:

makes me feel small with my little jewelry items but i'm going to enter one's a relist this morning...

Posted at 9:21am Dec 7, 2009 EST

thanks glassbead...your fish are's one i like today...

now i'm off to the real feeling pretty yuchy...i'll fill ya'll in on the show we did yesterday later...success!...but worth it?...i dunno...


Posted at 9:23am Dec 7, 2009 EST

Good morning Divas!

Eileen I love the artistic balance in this Icy focal!

Lara these flowers are so pretty! May I ask what pink that is?

and I love these!

We've got some thick dark storm clouds this morning! I'm hoping for rain or snow!!!

Posted at 10:36am Dec 7, 2009 EST

maybeads says

Good morning! I just finished my Murrini Monday blog feature ~ and it's all about other artists' use of murrini (that means you, Fire Divas).

Janel - I love the swirls in this one!

Eileen - Happy Birthday to your son!

Posted at 11:51am Dec 7, 2009 EST

Janel, Lara's flower looks like some that rare dark rubino to me...

Neat focal...looks like some of that parrot green I covet!

Lauren, Checkers is adorable!

Just relisted a heart set: & just noticed it still has a tuff enough tag... OY! What do you want to bet it says LEST??? Off to change!

Posted at 1:55pm Dec 7, 2009 EST

Divas, I still need prize photos for the challenge prizes. Please email me in the usual private spots. Actual pics or links are fine!

1. Janel Dudley Have pic
2. Theresa Ehlers
3. Holly Dare Have pic
4. Lauren Mazursky
5. Lea Have pic
6. Jamie Have pic
7. Ema K
8. Jennifer Cameron Have pic
9. Barb Reed (riversedgeglass)

Posted at 7:22pm Dec 7, 2009 EST

Hey everyone! Just wanted to stop by a for a few and say hello. I am in a couple treasuries right now, but don't have the links and the internet connection is so sloooooowwwww I don;t want to look it up. Have a great week!

Posted at 9:42pm Dec 7, 2009 EST

maybeads says

Holly - I'll get you a photo. Sorry! I wasn't paying attention. We had to put our cat down today, so I'm a little out of it. :(

Jennifer -this is SO pretty

Posted at 10:00pm Dec 7, 2009 EST