Fundraising Shop for Haiti- Benefiting Doctors Without Borders

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Original Post

Hello! We've moved our ongoing thread to the Promo section so we can freely link to the new shop and items without fear of our thread being closed down.

This is an Etsy collective of donated items from hundreds of Etsy shops to raise money to rebuild Haiti. 100% of the proceeds from this shop (minus Etsy fees and Paypal fees) go directly to DoctorsWithoutBorders (link) in bi-monthly increments. This shop has permission to use the DoctorsWithoutBorders name and a separate bank account and Paypal account have been opened to maintain the integrity of this shop.

Items have been donated from many individual shops; each shop has included their particulars ( country, shipping time) in each listing. All items include seller-donated free shipping (most worldwide, see individual listing) because the need is SO great, we want you to buy and help support Etsians helping Haiti. The theme for the next few weeks is on heart items but we have more than just that. Please browse our sections to the right and know that your purchase in this shop not only gets you a great Etsy item but it also helps alleviate the needs in Haiti through donations to DoctorsWithoutBorders (MedicinesSansFrontiers (check myspelling here)).

Thank you for visiting. If you need help completing your purchase or want to pay with a credit card without joining Paypal, please read this link

If you would like to donate an item to, please send an email to etsyforhaiti [!at] for a copy of the donation guidelines.

We can make a difference, together :)

Posted at 11:22am Jan 16, 2010 EST


How to Donate~

Thanks so much for your interest in donating to, we look forward to working with you! (If you’ve already sent your listing or have received this posting more than once please bear with us, we’re still learning the ropes!)

To Donate:

Please send the following information in an email to etsyforhaiti(at)gmail(dot)com
and put "Hearts For Haiti Donation" as the title:

Your shop name
Your location and country
Item Name/Title
Item Price (please do include this! we don’t want to undervalue your work :)
Item Description
10 tags
Materials used
Up to 5 clear photos of the item

*Please be sure to attach (or upload) all of the photos to the email. Make sure you are sending the sized-for-Etsy versions of your photos. If there is a problem with the photos being transmitted, we will let you know.

*Quantity: if you have a quantity greater than one of this item to donate, please note it here and remind us to RE-LIST it when it sells


♥ Shipping: All sellers must ship items at their own cost. We would like to encourage everyone who can to offer worldwide shipping but understand that some items need to stay domestic due to customs restrictions. If you would like to restrict your shipping parameters please be sure to note that explicitly in your listing!

♥ We will be featuring items with a heart theme in the shop. We hope lots of sellers will consider donating a heart item for the cause! (Though any Etsy-approved item is fine)

♥ When your item sells one of the shop administrators will contact you with shipping information. Please ship items within 3 days of purchase. If you ship on a different timeline please indicate that in the listing and ship accordingly.


Thank you so very much for considering a donation. It is wonderful that so many are willing to help the people of Haiti recover from this tragedy - - thanks again!

If you have any questions, please let us know!

Posted at 11:23am Jan 16, 2010 EST

hi.. marking :)

Posted at 11:26am Jan 16, 2010 EST

Lilley says

Yay a shiny new thread! Hello!

Posted at 11:27am Jan 16, 2010 EST

Yay! I new thread! And my donated item sold from the shop so I'm off to send in a new donation listing! I'll continue doing this as items sell! :)


Posted at 11:27am Jan 16, 2010 EST

Victoria van der Laan avatar
exlibrishandmade says

Thank you so much, Angie! I was getting nervous about that massive post right at the top there!


Posted at 11:30am Jan 16, 2010 EST

Popping in to mark the new thread! :D

Posted at 11:30am Jan 16, 2010 EST

just sent my first donation email, and made a purchase from this life saving shop...

Posted at 11:30am Jan 16, 2010 EST

tyza avatar
tyza says

It all looks so cool in the shop, thanks to Victoria and everyone for organising all this, what a lot of work!

Posted at 11:33am Jan 16, 2010 EST

2 donations sent so far in supplies. Jewelry to come as well. Marking this discussion.

Posted at 11:35am Jan 16, 2010 EST