A tool to help you manage your store

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Original Post

How Craftomania toolbar was born:

A couple of months on Etsy were more than enough for us to assemble a very detailed and ever growing list of favorite Etsy related links, and we were baffled; Navigating through the endless list of blogs and magazines and tools. Every site or blog led to a new exciting one, and on it went..

We were wondering to ourselves that there had to be a better way to manage our stores and our time on Etsy. And so we started to build Craftomania toolbar.
We felt so excited starting Craftomania Toolbar; creating order from mayhem, neatness from Chaos! We categorized our lists of everything Etsy (Craftopolis,Craft cult, treasuries, blogs, sites that offer promotions, groups, and many more).
And finally there was serenity: we were 1-click away from everything we need and even the morning coffee tasted better.

We thought it's selfish to keep it all to ourselves and that others should benefit from the toolbar as well.That’s when we teamed up and created the Craftomania Tools Team.

Now we are dedicated to anything Etsy and handmade. Our goal is to create a Tool which is a synonym to managing your store on Etsy. The Craftomania toolbar is a lot more than a links index; it's a community of Etsians, where all are invited to join freely.
Here you can see the toolbar's map- all the menues and links on it.-

To download the toolbar click here-

And for updates visit our blog-

Share it with your friends!

a very special V-day Love
The Craftomania tools team

Posted at 3:27pm Feb 8, 2010 EST


Very nice! Thanks for sharing! I will have to check that out when I get home.

Posted at 3:43pm Feb 8, 2010 EST

GlassCat says

Marking, this looks great, thanks.

Posted at 3:46pm Feb 8, 2010 EST

Great tell me what you think :)

Posted at 3:58pm Feb 8, 2010 EST

Craftomania toolbar is great!

Posted at 4:06pm Feb 8, 2010 EST

I <3 the Craftomania toolbar!

Posted at 4:12pm Feb 8, 2010 EST

MoonFireStudio avatar
MoonFireStudio says


Posted at 4:14pm Feb 8, 2010 EST

I love the tool bar!! I use it everyday :)

Posted at 4:14pm Feb 8, 2010 EST

Crystal Connell avatar
CountryKnitCocoon says

Getting it now!

Posted at 4:16pm Feb 8, 2010 EST

Thank you so much for creating the Craftomania toolbar! I use it constantly and enjoy getting the updates.

Posted at 4:20pm Feb 8, 2010 EST