March Pet Photo Contest: Luck of the Irish

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rtbfFirstName6255960 rtbfLastName6255960 avatar
rtbfLoginName6255960 says

Sponsored by the Pets Jubilee Team.

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, this month's contest theme is "Luck of the Irish." What lucky thing has happened to your furbaby or to you because of your furbaby? What events lead up to you finding each other? Maybe you have an Irish Setter or your furbaby in an Irish, festive, green, St. Patrick's day setting that you'd like to share. Send in your photo, slide show, or video of your lucky pet. Add some words to be posted with their pic to go along with the theme.

We'll be here from March 1st through the 14th hanging out and introducing the new entries until voting begins on the 15th. Visit our blog:; click on the Furbabies link at the top to go to the contest.

We welcome all pets: dogs, cats, birds, gerbils, hamsters, geckos, chickens, frogs, turtles, snakes, pigs, horses, just to name a few.

Here are some highlights of the rules:

- Submit your entry to petsjubilee [!at] through noon EST on March 14, 2010. (Please do not convo it).

- One entry per contestant (may be of multiple pets).

- INCLUDE with your entry the name of your pet(s), a little write up to go with your picture and either your picture, actual video or a link to where it can be seen (blog, youtube, flickr, photobucket, etc.)

- The entry must be of your pet(s).

- Voting will be from March 15, 2010 through March 21, 2010 at 12:00 noon EST.

- The entry with the most votes will be announced on March 22nd. In the event of a tie, the person who submitted their entry first will be deemed the winner. The order in which the contestants are displayed is not necessarily the order in which they were received.

The winner will receive a free PetsJubilee sampler box and the winning pet's photo will be the team store avatar for the month of April. If the winning contestant has an Etsy store, we'll also post a link to your shop with a write-up from our blog.

Rules subject to change without notice. Check our blog for a complete list of rules. Email us with any questions.

Team store:
Team blog:
Email: petsjubilee [!at]

Posted at 6:02am Mar 1, 2010 EST


rtbfFirstName6255960 rtbfLastName6255960 avatar
rtbfLoginName6255960 says

Other events with the PetsJubilee team:

Hang out here with us throughout the month and talk pets, etsy or whatever.

Join in on our monthly challenge (its open to everyone) and help a homeless child through Project Night Night. More information on our blog:
See the entries so far:

PetsJubilee sampler boxes are on sale now. Lots of sizes for every budget. Pamper your pet with great gifts handmade by the members of the PetsJubilee Team. Check often as we list more varieties:

Posted at 6:03am Mar 1, 2010 EST

catcalls says

It's March! YAY!!
I started a blog--finally-- and hope you'll all visit. I'm having a free giveaway for boxer shorts to the lucky winner. Very easy...just become a follower and leave a comment! Thanks to Athena, Solange, and Diana for following and commenting guys are great!

~New contests...hmmm..I'll have to see what I can get my guinea pigs to wear...!

~I can see Sigma!! Finally! Such a cutie.... to get my flat tire taken care of!

Posted at 10:55am Mar 1, 2010 EST

rtbfFirstName6255960 rtbfLastName6255960 avatar
rtbfLoginName6255960 says

Hi Patty! I'm catching up from the last forum:

Hi everyone. I have a few minutes while boss is in meeting, so I thought I would catch up.

Patty, I'm following your blog, I just can't think what to say, for the life of me, so I didn't leave a comment yet. I'll work on it. Sometimes by brain takes a vacation.

Kelly - I love the slate. What a beautiful portrait!

Athena, I know exactly what you mean. I'll try to picture a place and sometimes can't remember anything about it.

Solange - thank you for the encouragement on my supply shop. I keep coming across more and more stuff. I want to take a bunch of pictures tonight. This morning I pulled a small envelope from my coat pocket - it was full of charms I had bought months ago. I never even took them out of the envelope.

Posted at 11:37am Mar 1, 2010 EST

rtbfFirstName6255960 rtbfLastName6255960 avatar
rtbfLoginName6255960 says

Here are our names:

AngelPupsCreations - Kelly (Big Mac and Molly ;-)
AnnieKDesigns/AnnieKClothing/CodysCloset - Annie - (Cody and Copper)
BeadieandThings/JewelrybySolange - Solange (Daisy the Dachshund)
Catcalls/Gear4Guys-Patty (guinea pigs:Tooey, CG, Thea)
Ciaohound/Petsjubilee/VelvetsLittleStore - Shari (Velvet)
DianaDesignsNY / StylinDogsBoutique - Diana (Giupetto, Gianna and some birds)
SassySashaDoxie - Athena (Sasha)

Copy and paste it to add your shop name(s), your name and your pet's name(s).

Posted at 11:41am Mar 1, 2010 EST

Shari, I will definitley be checking out your "stash" shop. I can never have enough supplies. (Hope hubby is not reading this) LOL

I am still thinking of something cute that Velvet is thinking and I don't want to look at anyone else's comments yet. There is something right on the tip of my tongue - just trying to spit it out. LOL

There is a rat on my screen!!! LOL

Posted at 11:42am Mar 1, 2010 EST

rtbfFirstName6255960 rtbfLastName6255960 avatar
rtbfLoginName6255960 says

lol - he's a dwarf hairless rat, eating a cheetoh. how cute is that??? he looks so old and wise.

Posted at 11:48am Mar 1, 2010 EST

Kelly, I love your slates. I esp love that nativity scene, and I still love that one with the big brown dog. :-)

Posted at 11:50am Mar 1, 2010 EST

Athena, you forgot the link to your doggie diary.

Sorry Shari, we are bad for not moving over. I'm here now.

Posted at 11:58am Mar 1, 2010 EST

OK found you all. Sasha was so excited she thought she put in the link. Oh well. I will try it again.

Sasha here. Mommy will be back later cause she is so busy this morning. I just had to come and bark about that my doggy diary made it to the front page of dogster today. Yip Yap Furray. I had so many pup pal requests. I feel so special. Tail wagging wiggle butt dancing big time here.

Here is the link. I think it will only be there for today. So better peek quick. It is at close to the bottom right pawed corner.

Posted at 12:03pm Mar 1, 2010 EST