GOT GLASS? The FIRE DIVAS do!...Listings, Promos, Chat - Week 4/12-4/18

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WELCOME to the Fire Divas Team Lampwork Listings -
:*¨¨*: April 12 ☼•☼ April 18 :*¨¨*:

We are a group of dedicated artisan flameworkers who have come together to promote our work in handmade lampworked beads, glass sculpture, and lampworked glass jewelry...

If you love glass, you have to check out the work of the amazing FIRE DIVAS TEAM!

Visit our blog for links to all of our members shops and features of the week such as...
SUNDAY GOSSIP COLUMN...and much much more...

:*¨¨*: Search "fire divas team" to see all of the gorgeous glass offered to our Etsy customers :*¨¨*:

☆:*¨¨*:★:☆ ☆:*¨¨*:★:☆ ☆:*¨¨*:★:☆ ☆:*¨¨*:★:☆

Let's see what the FIRE DIVAS are listing this week!...

☆:*¨¨*:★:☆... POST POST POST ...☆:*¨¨*:★:☆

Posted at 7:24am Apr 12, 2010 EDT


Lots to do this morning so off to an early start...
In the mood for a rootbeer float?...I just relisted this set...Why is it still around?...

Show us what you've got on this Monday...

Posted at 7:34am Apr 12, 2010 EDT

Morning Divas! Sorry I haven't been around this past week! Family emergencies, new website to design, taxes... OY!

Anyway, the Round Robin is OPEN!

And... html code for the new bead challenge is in the usual spot!

Posted at 9:11am Apr 12, 2010 EDT

maybeads says

Thanks for the RR reminder, Holly! I'm going to get in on it this week.

Eileen - I have no idea why that set is still in your shop - I can think of lots to make with it! I love the colors in this one

Holly - I also have no clue why this is still in your shop It's perfection in a cone!

Guess what day it is? That's right, it's Murrini Monday!

Posted at 9:29am Apr 12, 2010 EDT

maybeads says

Me again! Here's a new kitty, hold the body

Posted at 9:51am Apr 12, 2010 EDT

glassbead says

Hey y'all- this forum is off to a good start!
Goofy cat head, may! Your inch worms are always fun:

Dorset- that root beer set is pretty. Cute kitty:

I've been on a heart jag lately:

Must go get ready for- cough, cough- work!

Posted at 10:30am Apr 12, 2010 EDT

maybeads says

glassbead - I need to channel your heart-making skills. I'm making one for my husband's aunt. Here's one I love

Here's a new pooch, Noopy

Posted at 3:01pm Apr 12, 2010 EDT

Lauren, That cone is one of my favorites... it IS that perfect in person too!

I LOVE this: I didn't expect Mink to be so yummy Olive! Great color!

Laurie - Love the new hearts but this pink purple is still my fave!

Eileen...that rootbeer set is great! and I love this chocolate and turquoise!

Posted at 3:33pm Apr 12, 2010 EDT

Hey Diva fans! There's a BEAD CHALLENGE GOING ON! Please vote!

And only three more days to enter the Jewelry challenge. Details on the blog...

Posted at 4:03pm Apr 12, 2010 EDT

ahouston says

Hi Divas! I just posted some tile beads in CiM Cirrus - have you guys played with this colour yet? It's really neat.

Posted at 4:50pm Apr 12, 2010 EDT