600 Sales and what I have learned.....

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1. List as many items as you possibly can. Some of the most successful shops have hundreds (And some nearly thousands) of listings. I know it takes time, and I know it's hard work, but LISTING IS THE ONLY WAY TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! Some people like to think that they can make it big without lots of listings, but those are usually the people with 4 items for sale and 3 items sold... they are living in denial. You truly must list things. People cannot magically purchase things laying around your house.. they need photos and prices.

2. Renew. Even on days that you list, you must renew! I know it costs money, but you have to spend money to make money. If you aren't at the top of at least SOME searches, you will never get seen.

3. Gift wrap things. People want to open a pretty package whether the admit it or not. So, wrap away! People like to think that appearance doesn't matter, but in all reality, sometimes presentation is the most important part. It's the first impression of the reveal. The very first thing they see BEFORE they see what they bought. You must make a good first impression. It doesn't cost a lot of money to wrap things nicely. It doesn't take TOO much time. So, just do it.

4. Give a free gift. No matter how small. This is a nice way to thank your customer, and it is an easy way to get them to come back. Customer service is IMPORTANT!

5. Answer e mails and messages fast!

6. Work on your photos. If you do not have good photos, you are doomed (if they stay that way!). And don't worry if they are bad.. just work on it and they WILL get better. Keep practicing!

7. Invest in some of the good e books that are available here on etsy that have how to tips. They can be very helpful!

8. Don't waste time on twitter, facebook or blogging. Encouraging people to go to THOSE websites hardly ever encourages them to go to etsy and shop. Instead, take the time you would invest in those things and put it toward listing. Listing is the ONLY way to ensure people will come to YOUR shop. Paid advertising also seldom works. Put that money toward renewing and relisting, and listing itself. LIST away! Keep things current. Some people may swear by twitter, facebook, blogging or paid advertisement, but really, in my opinion, it isn't worth the effort and money. That energy can be used to make and list new items so that you have a full shop! I know some people who have twitter, facebook, etsy, and a blog, and they are spread too thing. Their shop is nearly empty and they just want to encourage traffic flow to their shop. But they are going about it all wrong. Don't spread yourself too thin. If you must twitter, facebook or blog, then choose just one.

9. Use all 14 tags. Each tag is a chance to bring someone into your shop. Use it. *Do not tag abuse, as it is counter productive. Use only relevant tags! To get customers that are looking for exactly what you sell, have good, clean, crisp, relevant tags!*

10. Try your hardest to use all 5 photo slots. On days that are slow, go through and fill in the gaps. It's a never ending process, but seriously, it's a good thing to aim for! People cannot hold your product, see it in real life, or touch it with their own two hands, so photos are of the utmost importance!

11. Sign up for Google Analytics. See where your traffic is coming from, and see what gets you the most traffic. This is a useful tool, use it!

12. Make sure you have a good 'profile' in your profile section. Be yourself, and let others know who you are. This is a place for you to be candid, open, and honest. And when you are, you will get people emotionally involved in your store! Think people don't read it? They do! I changed mine a few times and each time I did, I thought "Well, no one will even notice!" but then sales would come in and I'd get a message from the buyer saying "Oh wow, I read your profile and we have so much in common! I love your shop, we're so much alike!" And boom! You've made progress! Get people emotionally involved and watch your shop grow! Do not be fake, practiced, or rehearsed. Be YOU!

13. If you have an item (or items) in your shop that are slow selling (and the rest of your shop is doing pretty good) that item (or items) need an increase in price, not a decrease! (I know it sounds like the opposite of what you have learned and heard but seriously, this works!) If you have a clearance album, ditch it. People do not want to buy low priced things. YOU MUST take yourself seriously, and shoppers will to. I cannot tell you how many times I have raised the price on something and boom, it was gone. Even when I previously had it in my "half off" album. I had a half off album on etsy for about 5 months and NOTHING sold. Well, maybe one thing, but once I put GOOD solid prices on those items, they found homes. Do not mark things down. Unless you have a bead/supply shop, then maybe. But for hand crafters, please, create a name for yourself and your goods. Do not sell yourself short. If people want to pay more, by all means, let them!

14.Change your feature photos around so that you show some of the best pieces in your shop. Pick 3 pieces that really summarize your whole shop. Choosing this three is HARD and very very important. I WOULD NOT recommend opting to not use the feature method. When I go to a shop that has nothing on the top, it's a total turn off! (I'm a big shopper as well as a seller) I like to see the detail available in those 3 pictures. Those 3 pictures are LARGER than the ones on your page. So, USE THEM! Also, you're going to want to choose 3 items that show the price range in your shop. Every shop varies, so pick out one item that is one of you lower priced pieces, and one item that is one of the higher end pieces. Let people see that your shop has a variety. If I go to a shop and they have all $2.99 things featured, I think their whole shop is like a dollar store, which is not bad, but it's the wrong impression if they offer things that are more pricey. Just something to keep in mind!

15. I like free shipping, and it works for me. Some shops are not good candidates for it, but if your shop is, consider it. I give free worldwide shipping and I feel it's really helped out and my customers fully appreciate it. Times are tough and people are looking for a good deal and a break. Give it to them if you can. Keep in mind that if you offer shipping, to keep it fair. Shops that gouge for shipping and 2ndary shipping seldom make good sales. Customers notice. If you offer good priced shipping, keep your secondary shipping price as close to zero as possible, this will encourage more sales.

16. For slow moving inventory that you want to mark down, DON'T! Just try this: A new photo can make all the difference! Which doesn't mean you need to take a new photo, just choose a different one to be the first! Many time I will click on a listing and think to myself "Why doesn't this person use the 4th photo up front? IT'S THE BEST!", so, just rotate the pics and see. Move things around and before you know it, your shop looks all new and sparkly!

17. For slow moving inventory: A new name. (What's in a name? EVERYTHING!! Giving a product a new name in conjunction with #13 and #16 will make it sell nearly 3x faster! In some cases that I have changed a products name (e.i; "Quartz Crystal Necklace" to "Icy Crystal Point") it sold in as little as one day!!)

18. Do not underestimate the power of these two words: "Thank you" Send a thank you note along with each purchase, and let them know that their business is appreciated. If the lady running the craft show gives you a larger table than you paid for, THANK HER, and consider giving her a small gift from your stock. If someone gives you a nice gift card to your favorite arts and crafts store, THANK THEM and let them know that it was a great gift idea, and a very thoughtful one at that! If someone spends a load of money in your shop, go out of your way to say 'thank you' and choose a thoughtful free gift, because it is sometimes the big spenders that really help out in times of need. With the economy the way it is, big spenders can be rare. So, let them know you're grateful!

These two words are sooooo important, if you do not use them on a regular basis to everyone that shops with you, supports you, or helps you in ANY WAY, you might as well put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye. An attitude of gratitude will make people gravitate toward you. People want their good deeds to be bestowed upon a grateful recipient. So be that person and more will come your way.

Posted at 5:23pm Apr 28, 2010 EDT


Marking! Thank you x

Posted at 5:23pm Apr 28, 2010 EDT

Marking. Thanks for writing!

Posted at 5:27pm Apr 28, 2010 EDT

x marks the spot.

Posted at 5:28pm Apr 28, 2010 EDT

AlinaandT says

i could really ignore 7. because your post is wonderful and point the most important things to focus on! thanks or taking the time to post it :-)

Posted at 5:29pm Apr 28, 2010 EDT

marking :D

Posted at 5:33pm Apr 28, 2010 EDT

Thank You! I need to get busy.

Posted at 5:35pm Apr 28, 2010 EDT

This was the most amazing post that I have read. You have really inspired me to change a few things up, or reconsider things that I was wanting to do.

I really need to work on the listing thing, but I am slowly getting the hang of things.

I am a big fan of free things when I purchase, so I always include something with my packages. It makes it fun.

Posted at 5:36pm Apr 28, 2010 EDT

amyfine says

what kind of free gifts do you send?

Posted at 5:37pm Apr 28, 2010 EDT

Laine avatar
FancyPantsAndMore says


Posted at 5:38pm Apr 28, 2010 EDT