♥♥♥†††♥♥♥ CHRISTIAN ARTISTS STREET TEAM-CAST♥♥♥†††♥♥♥July 2010 Thread

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AronaWalsh says

Welcome to our ****CHRISTIAN ARTISTS STREET TEAM: CAST**** June 2010 thread!

A group of Christian Artists and Artisans who believe Etsy is a great place to buy and sell handcrafted, family friendly items. We only ask that all of the items in your shop are "Family-Friendly". No adult content, profanity, nudity, etc.)

There are no requirements other than a willingness to acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior. If you'd like to pop in and say hello, or ask some questions in a positive and supportive manner, we'd love to have you.

If you are not yet a member and would like to be, please contact Bonnie (TiggerBonn) at:


Please be patient while Bonnie replies to let you know of your membership status. While you're waiting for your membership confirmation, feel free to chat with us here, and be sure to visit our fabulous team blog:


ONCE Bonnie has confirmed your membership approval, please feel free to state on your store announcement page that you are a proud member of CAST. Also, if you enter "castteam" in your tags, you will be included in the search that will bring up all the items for sale by CAST members.

Please remember we are here to be positive and encouraging to one another in our creative/retail efforts, as well as with our personal journey with the Lord.

So, welcome and enjoy the blessing and encouragement that is CAST fellowship!

Posted at 9:50am Jul 1, 2010 EDT


AronaWalsh says

Morning! Omg I slept sooo hard. I really didn't wanna open my eyes lol. How are you this morning?

Posted at 9:55am Jul 1, 2010 EDT

ZudaGay says

Yes there are bug, but for the most part we just let them be. Well except for those really gross tomato worms. We definitely get rid of them when we see them. YUCK!!!

What kinds of things do you like? I saw a recipe a few weeks ago that I've made in various ways since then that we just love. I can't remember where I got it. I have no amounts, I'm sorry I cook by just throwing stuff in. :)
Chop up some ham, bacon or any type of smokey type meat you like and brown in a skillet. Add chopped onions and green peppers if you like then some garlic (I love grating mine on a micro-plainer) Season with salt, pepper, basil...whatever you like. Cook whatever pasta you want and add frozen peas to the pasta pot. When pasta and peas are ready drain reserving some of the liquid. Dump the pasta and peas in your skillet and add enough of your reserved liquid to moisten. Sprinkle with shredded Parmesan cheese. Yummy! I've done it with left over ham and with bacon and leftover Italian sausage. :)

Posted at 9:57am Jul 1, 2010 EDT

I am good! I have been up for several hours already! Some days, it is just good to sleep :-)

Posted at 9:57am Jul 1, 2010 EDT

AronaWalsh says

hi Zuda :-)

christie I was up until 2...but I still had my alarm set for at least 8:30. Yeah, slept right past that.

Posted at 10:02am Jul 1, 2010 EDT

AronaWalsh says

Gonna go grab some cereal to chomp on...

Posted at 10:03am Jul 1, 2010 EDT

LOL AronaWalsh.etsy.com I was asleep at 2:00AM! LOL

I better get busy. I have a 5 year old that will be telling me it's time to go swimming any minute now! Have a blessed day!

Posted at 10:09am Jul 1, 2010 EDT

Sewingseed says

Hi Arona, thanks for posting the link to the new thread.

Hi Christie!

Zuda - that sounds good. Now I'm hungry. Actually, I like most things. However, I do not like okra unless it is fried and it has to be small, otherwise the inside is slimy and gross! Also, I do not like liver!

Posted at 10:17am Jul 1, 2010 EDT