30 minutes.....1 Sale! ~~~~~Famously Simple~~~~~~

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Original Post

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥1,036 SALES SO FAR♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

*In a nutshell: The challenge is to try and get 1 sale in 30 minutes. But, you can come on in to visit, chat, buy & sell as long as you like. We have great people and great prizes, including 30 minutes of FAME. You can post and run if you want, but in this thread you get what you give :) Many sales happen when everyone is chatting and helping each other. So bring all your buddies and show us what you got!

Post your transactions!

from SupurbSeller.etsy.com
Transaction link. (Found in your purchases.)

**Buyers**-Please type "30 min" in msg. to seller. Post all transaction links from purchases made in relation to this thread.
Also please convo your transaction to www.etsy.com/shop/myhandmadecrafts **Sellers**-Please check to see if your buyer posted their transaction links. If your buyer did not do so, please post the transaction links.

Please do not advertise sold items by transaction link, it may throw off the sales count.

-This round we have FAMES only!!!
-FAMES will be given for the winner of the 300, 1200, 2100, 4300, 5000, 6500
YOU CAN ONLY WIN ONCE PER THREAD PER PERSON. So if you have 2 or more stores you can only win once total.

-Contact queenofalltrades.etsy.com within 24 hours of winning.
- Give 2 day and time choices for your fame, that are within 72 hours of winning. You will be convo’d back with the decision.
-You only get to hold your fame in the shop you won the post with.
-You are responsible for arriving in the thread at least 15 minutes before your fame starts, and promoting your fame here and elsewhere.
-You will post the official announcement to start your fame time, which will have been convo’d to you with your official fame time.
-DO NOT post your sales until the fame time is up.
-When your fame time is up, make the announcement and we will resume business as usual. Please post your sales as soon as your time is up, so we can keep an accurate fame count, then refund those who may need it. We want to keep the fame counts accurate for the bonus round. BUT any sales count for the thread so make sure you post them too!

********************Mystery Fames*********************
There will be 2 random posts that win a fame in this thread. So come in often, it could be you! Same rules will apply. good luck everyone!

Posted at 2:01pm Aug 5, 2010 EDT


Yay!!! New thread!

Posted at 2:04pm Aug 5, 2010 EDT

Beautiful work Charlene!

Posted at 2:06pm Aug 5, 2010 EDT

Thanks Queen. I love when one of the big ones are finally done. Now just to sell it and get it out of my house. The afghans are taking over my family room.

Posted at 2:07pm Aug 5, 2010 EDT

BijiBijoux says

beautiful, yaay new thread

Posted at 2:07pm Aug 5, 2010 EDT

Hi everyone - haven't been on in awhile........

Posted at 2:08pm Aug 5, 2010 EDT