Best Marketing Tip

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I thought it'd be fun to share our best marketing tips with each other. I'll start:

Be authentic. Be yourself. Let your personality shine through in your products, blog posts, press releases, tweets, product descriptions, and all other marketing efforts.

Posted at 10:40am Sep 2, 2010 EDT


Kristin Cooper avatar
YourUniqueKreations says

Let your passion drive your will shine through as genuine. People like that.

And practically, include a few business cards in every order...word of mouth is still the best!

Posted at 10:44am Sep 2, 2010 EDT

Hi YourUniqueKreations! I completely agree that passion is a big key to business success. It's what helps us keep going when things get tough and what motivates us to put in the hard work.

And, in my opinion, word of mouth is much more persuasive than anything else. When a friend recommends a product or service, there's already a level of trust there.

Thanks for sharing you tips :)

Posted at 11:03am Sep 2, 2010 EDT

Linda avatar
TheHickoryTree says

My best marketiing tip. Keep your eyes and ears open to new ideas and trends. One of my buyers had a suggestion about something she wanted me to make. It turned out to be one of my best sellers.

Posted at 11:26am Sep 2, 2010 EDT

Have the best photos ever. :P

Posted at 11:28am Sep 2, 2010 EDT

lovems1 says

Don't over look what could be a great advertising source - in our area KSDK channel 5 is affilated with a website called "Moms Like Me", I joined the site and they ended up reviewing my blankets and the local TV station did a story about them and has aired it on the show, "Show me Saint Louis" twice now.

Posted at 11:29am Sep 2, 2010 EDT

Look after your buyers, never underestimate the power of a negative sale!

Posted at 11:31am Sep 2, 2010 EDT

Work on your photos for a long, long, long time - long before you put effort into marketing and trying to get eyeballs on your products.

If you are selling at a rate that is right for you, then no photo improvement is needed. If you are not selling at the rate you desire, then WORK ON YOUR PHOTOS. Working on your product photography and presentation is by far the best investment of your time as an online business owner. Do not stop working on your photographic presentation until your sales are at the level that you want them to be.

Posted at 11:34am Sep 2, 2010 EDT

Good topic. As a newbie, I'll be taking notes.

Posted at 12:49pm Sep 2, 2010 EDT

good advice everyone

Posted at 12:52pm Sep 2, 2010 EDT