7 Card Draw … WIN UP TO 7 ACEO’s … OCTOBER 2010

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✿ DARE TO BE INSPIRED as you create ACEOs ✿

Check out the 7 Card Draw Blog to see past challenges, winners and art...

Need some inspiration. Want to have some fun. Well you’ve come to the right place.

Please be kind and do not spam the thread.

Join the 7 Card Draw and…
• you will be inspired to create ACEOs from great challenges!
• you could potentially WIN up to 7 ACEOs in the monthly drawing!

What is an ACEO ?
ACEO stands for “Art Cards, Editions and Originals” – They measure 2.5 x 3.5 inches and can be any medium. More information can be found here en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artist_trading_cards


You can issue 1 challenge a day and answer as many challenges each day as you want.

You can list your ACEO’s in your shop and can sell or trade your cards until a winner is chosen and at that time, the prize ACEO’s will be reserved for that person.

To add one ACEO or more to the current month’s prize pool, please use 7 Card Draw in your title. You may add any ACEO to the pool, it does not have to be for one of the challenges. Challenges are only to inspire us.

Search “7 card draw” in the forums each month for a new thread. Be sure to use quotation marks.

Each month a new thread will begin on the 1st day of the month and the winner will be announced on the last day of that month.

To win you must have contributed one or more ACEO’s to the current month's prize pool AND also be an active participant in that months thread. Also we ask that you drop by the thread or check your convo’s on the last day of the month to see if you are a winner, this will help eliminate the potential issue of unclaimed prizes.

The next month the artists have the option of leaving their ACEO's in the pool OR adding a different ACEO to the pool OR not participating.

Participating artists are eligible. Once you've won, you may not win again for the next 3 months (For example, if you win in May, you can not win again until September)

The winner will search Etsy for “7 card draw” - Please make sure to use quotations. “7 card draw” must be in the title for it to be a potential prize.

The Winner chooses 7 ACEO’S as their prize and will convo alwaysartistic with links to their choices so that she can blog them. Then the winner goes purchases the 7 cards, choosing OTHER as payment. If the winner does not claim the ACEO’s within 14 days, those ACEO’s will revert back to the shop owners. No winner will be chosen, we will look ahead to the next winner. This ensures that we start fresh every month.

Posted at 2:35am Oct 1, 2010 EDT


Raedawn says

Hello everyone! I can't believe it's October already. The trees here are really starting to turn, and it's New England so you can imagine ... all hues of yellow, orange, red, purple, everything. It's so beautiful.

BrokenMuse ~ I'm glad to hear about the new med and really hoping it works for you. I know how frustrating it can be trying to find that just-the-right-med that will do the trick. I agree with you about belonging to this group; it's wonderful and these are all great folks.

Lazyhawk ~ have a good trip, and we'll see you when you get back.

lee ~ congratulations on winning the 7 card draw. Have lots of fun shopping.

~ rae

Posted at 6:40am Oct 1, 2010 EDT

Lazyhawk says

Congrats Lee! Just checking in before we leave. We got the windows (most of them) installed in the house yesterday, it will be fun coming home to see how far they have gotten. Have a great week everyone. See you on the 10th.

Posted at 8:40am Oct 1, 2010 EDT

BrokenMuse says

Just popping in to say good morning. :)

Well.. was going to do the original of this for the 7 card draw, but one of my non-etsy friends snagged it yesterday! (The one who bought those others last month...whoohoo!) So here's a print of the original, answering Carole's challenge for Cats :)


Posted at 9:13am Oct 1, 2010 EDT

MagMoment says

Congrats to Lee!

I just posted a favorite song of mine for fall inspiration.http://hazelberger.blogspot.com/2010/10/many-years-ago-just-after-getting.html

October Challenge -- Coat of Many Colors (See the blog post!)

Posted at 10:52am Oct 1, 2010 EDT

goodmorning everyone! another month has gone by, just brings us closer to Christmas, woohoo! (sorry I couldn't help myself, lol)

congrats on the win Lee! have fun choosing, it won't be easy.

BrokenMuse congrats on selling the original, it's cute!

Posted at 11:00am Oct 1, 2010 EDT

Mel, the kitty one is so cute. :)
Marlene, hope you have a great trip....windows up already wow.
Hello MagMoment and Raedawn and Betty.
Lee, thanks for choosing my little squirrel. He will be in the mail by tomorrow.

Posted at 11:26am Oct 1, 2010 EDT

Hello, Rae our leaves are changing too, it's beautiful out cool crisp air finally.Marelene hope you easy clean windows and have a great trip.
Muse your card is so cute.
lee thanks for choosing my card too.


Posted at 2:16pm Oct 1, 2010 EDT

leepierce says

Busy day today and running around and pizza in a few minutes. It was so much fun to win! and so very hard to choose...
Thank you all for putting so many beautiful and fun works in the pool!
I really LOVE them all.


Posted at 8:14pm Oct 1, 2010 EDT

Raedawn says

Hello everybody. Well I shut the door last night, but woke up at 6 am because DH had pulled all the covers off of me. He likes to curl up in the covers, and as soon as all the covers are gone, I get cold and wake up. LOL
Of course, if it's the middle of the night, I pull them back, and sometimes there's a brief tug of war.

BrokenMuse ~ I love your cat picture. The expression on the cat is priceless.

MagMoment ~ I love that song. It's one of my favorites, and the title makes a great theme.

Posted at 6:33am Oct 2, 2010 EDT