NEW Promotional Frenzies - Gain exposure now!

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Original Post

galla15 says

Promotional Frenzy Thread - This thread is about gaining visibility, building SEO and promoting.
Do you want more sales? More views? More shop and item hearts? More search engine exposure?

If you want to network, and gain visibility with your shop this is the thread for you. You will get what you give here. Feel free to share your social networking links, blog links, flickr links etc. The key is to stay for awhile and network and participate in all the events you can.

Very detailed information can be found here:
This blog is updated regularly to keep you informed of the day’s events so if you have questions check it regularly to find answers.

We will hold Promotional Frenzy hour where everyone in the thread will use social networks to promote each other. 1st one Tuesday October 11th, 9pm Est/Etsy time.


There will be SOLO Promotions - Opportunities for your individual shop to earn 30 minutes of time where the entire thread promotes your shop only. Page 2 will have the list of shops participating. These will be held once a week.


BNR Treasuries will be held regularly. Treasuries created to highlight those shops that regularly help this thread...

And special events To BE Announced. We all try to blog and have a blog list that links back to our shops.

The success of this venture depends on everyone putting their effort into the common pot. The more you and everyone add, the greater your odds of bringing more customers to your store who want what you have and are willing to pay for it.

You may wonder whether you really have time for this. While we realize everyone is busy with a variety of activities each day, you should view this as one part of what you do to nurture your business, set aside some time each day, and come join us!


SOLO Promotions will be done once a week. Your shop has to participate in ONE event for the week to qualify for a SOLO promotion. One event will only require 10-30 minutes for the entire week for your shop to earn valuable promotions.

For more details on what this all means read this blog post:

For help with treasuries and BNR's Contact:

For help with blogging and creating a blog list:

For help with social networking sites:

General thread questions and scheduling:

Posted at 12:59am Oct 17, 2010 EDT


galla15 says

Please post your social network sites, lastest creations/listings, blogs etc.

Share, and help share.


Posted at 1:02am Oct 17, 2010 EDT

galla15 says

Do you have a twitter account?


Stumbleupon account?



New listing?

Posted at 1:02am Oct 17, 2010 EDT

galla15 says

No need to wait for one of our events to promote.

If you see a link click it and promote it :)

Posted at 1:02am Oct 17, 2010 EDT

galla15 says

Hope everyone finds the new/moved thread.

Please hang out, chat, have fun... while being productive!

Post any of your networking information.

Posted at 1:04am Oct 17, 2010 EDT

galla15 says

Just lifting this up so we can get to page 2.

I will be listing all of the active shops on page 2

We will list them alphabetically, and then just go through the list until we have all had our solo promo.

Posted at 1:06am Oct 17, 2010 EDT

BearInk says




Hello! Found my way here eventually! :D

Posted at 1:08am Oct 17, 2010 EDT

galla15 says

So today is a day where we can all hang out and list or not list... chat. Have fun and prepare for our upcoming week.

Should be a relaxed day :)

Posted at 1:08am Oct 17, 2010 EDT

BearInk says

Big ups for solo promos! Did wonders for my shop :)

Posted at 1:09am Oct 17, 2010 EDT