Native American Heritage Month, Lots of sales and prizes to win

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Original Post

In celebration of National Native American Heritage Month several of us who frequest the native American thread have come up with a huge event.
We have approximately 30 shops who are having sales.
To find sale items type "napromo" in search and read the shop's announcement to find out the sale terms.

Another HUGE event we are having is a prize contest.
There are about 35 stores who have donated some awesome prizes to be given away through treasury hunts. Treasury Hunt#1 just opened up this morning and there are 8 prizes being given away in that one.

Here's the treasury contestlink:

I will be submitting links to the prizes you can win here on this thread, keep coming back often.

Good luck on the contest and if you're in a shopping mood visit our napromo shops as well.

Posted at 10:39am Nov 1, 2010 EDT


List of prizes (in no particular order)

Prize #1

SonoraKay- black and white ear chandeliers gold wire $21.99

Posted at 10:40am Nov 1, 2010 EDT

Prize #2

CrippleCreekWoodWorks- hickory and bubinga arrowhead earrings silver posts $15.00

Posted at 10:41am Nov 1, 2010 EDT

Prize #3

Heartworks- golden eagle feather magnet $20.00
Jan Rice

Posted at 10:41am Nov 1, 2010 EDT

Prize #4

Litapsilverj- sterling eagle head charm necklace $20.00

Posted at 10:42am Nov 1, 2010 EDT

Prize #5

VanFleetStreetDesigns- Ah Sunflower (Giclee Print) $10.00

Posted at 10:43am Nov 1, 2010 EDT

Prize #8

MarinahLynn- Zebra print flax seed hot or cold therapy pack

Posted at 10:47am Nov 1, 2010 EDT

Prize #9

Vikotas- a rain blessing leather beads art $25.00

Posted at 10:47am Nov 1, 2010 EDT