Multi order transaction email from new checkout

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Original Post

Isn't totaled correctly.
I received an order overnight for 3 items from the same buyer. The title was right:
Etsy Order Confirmation for: $22.40 from XXXXXX (xxxxxx)

It came through the new checkout because the buyers name has a series of numbers in brackets after it. And next to each item it gives the price, shipping and sales tax figures.
But at the bottom where it totals the order before it gives the address is only gives the sum total from the last item:
Order Total: $7.65 USD

Everything was charged correctly through paypal, but this may screw people up who use these emails for their paperwork.

Posted at 9:32am Nov 14, 2010 EST


knickey says

Hi LIDDesignsSupplies, I agree with you! I'm going to Convo you for some more info so we can look into this.

Posted at 10:31am Nov 14, 2010 EST

I have the same problem as the previous poster. Sold 2 items and Etsy Order Confirmation shows correct total in header, BUT the order details only shows a total of $5.49.
Payment via PayPal was correct.
Customer contacted me and wanted to know what is up????

Transaction ID:37628121 & 37628122

now is not the time to have problems with customers. Please let me know what is happening!!

Posted at 3:58pm Nov 14, 2010 EST

I have this same issue with the purchase I just reported having the message to seller getting erased. The payment amount is correct, the total on the Etsy email is not. The transaction # is 25351126. I really want the new checkout but with so many issues this is just not the time for it!

Posted at 4:02pm Nov 14, 2010 EST

loosewire says

Thank you for these additional instances.

Posted at 4:13pm Nov 14, 2010 EST

I too had a multiple purchase the etsy email title had the correct amount but the total was wrong.
The paypal receipt was fine and all paid correctly however.

Posted at 4:29pm Nov 14, 2010 EST

loosewire says

Mulberrymuse, thanks for letting us know.
Do you recall the Transaction or Order #'s?
Thanks for your help with these additional details.

Posted at 4:53pm Nov 14, 2010 EST

Hello loosewire
Thank you
The transaction id and order numbers are below
The total order was for $87.43
The etsy email total was only for $10.99

Order #25368958 on Nov 14, 2010
Transaction ID 37627141
Transaction ID 37627140
Transaction ID 37627139
Transaction ID 37627138
Transaction ID 37627137
Transaction ID 37627136
Transaction ID 37627135
Transaction ID 37627134
Transaction ID 37627133

Hope this helps

Posted at 5:01pm Nov 14, 2010 EST

rtbfFirstName5080163 rtbfLastName5080163 avatar
rtbfLoginName5080163 says

Same thing just happened to me
order #25387208

Posted at 5:24pm Nov 14, 2010 EST

I have seen similar issues as well, one order the total at the bottom is only for one item ordered, not the total of both.

Order #25368687
Transaction ID: 37626541
Item: Custom Necklace Cards Ornate Damask Design Display Packaging 00017a
Quantity: 1
Item price: $16.00 USD
Shipping: $4.00 USD
Tax: $0.00 USD
Transaction ID: 37626542
Item: Earring Cards Customized Personalized Brown Owl Branch 00035a
Quantity: 1
Item price: $16.00 USD
Shipping: $0.20 USD
Tax: $0.00 USD
Order Total: $16.20 USD

See total says $16.20

Posted at 5:35pm Nov 14, 2010 EST