~♥ Etsy Angels Team January 2011 Chat-Promotions Thread ♥~

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Ozarknana says

The Etsy Angels work together to raise money for different charities: the Chintimini Wildlife Rehab Center in Corvallis, Oregon; Friendly Kitchen of Concord, NH; Bellwether Harbor Foundation in Michigan, etc.

January's charity event is for ORVAL in Louisiana. See the post below for more information and participating Angel Shops!

If you like what you see, and you would like to join a very "close", small Etsy Team and you would like to join us, please contact Sewinggranny or Ozarknana for more information!


Our Team was formed after the many hours spent together promoting for Dawn’s Boys; an effort that began in late December 2007 after a Jewelry artist who was on both Etsy and Ebay lost her life in an automobile accident. She left behind two little boys. Several "Angels" came together to help. After spending countless hours promoting donations from more people than we could imagine that wanted to help, many friendships were made. We couldn’t imagine it all ending without creating a Team for Dawn’s Angels. ♥

You can view our complete profile by going to the following link:


You can also visit our Blog for more information about the Team and what we've been up to!


You can find us on FaceBook! "Fan" our page and you'll be the first to know about our latest charity fundraiser or any current sales along with our Friday Gift Guides!

*Search EANGTEAM to see all of our creations!!*
Thanks for visiting!
♥ SewingGranny and Ozarknana

Posted at 1:13am Jan 1, 2011 EST


Ozarknana says

Our January charity event is for ORVAL, (Ouachita River Valley Animal League)in Louisiana. The organization began in 1995 with the promise of trying to make the local shelter a better place by reducing the number of pets euthanized and by giving them resources and products to make the pets more comfortable during their limited time at the shelter. ORVAL quickly realized that a lot of animals were being surrendered because their owners could not afford vet bills. ORVAL then decided to add Vet Assistance to the list of services. Along with vet assistance, ORVAL also has a foster program to try to give pets, from the shelter, a longer and better chance of getting adopted.

Please join us by shopping with any of the listed stores below and help us help ORVAL!

Posted at 1:15am Jan 1, 2011 EST

Ozarknana says


"ORVAL is Ouachita River Valley Animal League. The purpose behind this organization is to help provide assistance to those "furbaby parents" who can't afford medical care to their new pets.

Ozarknana, www.Ozarknana.etsy.com
50% of each Charity Mascot, 10% of everything else in store sold.

Sewinggranny, www.sewinggranny.etsy.com/
10% of everything in the store sold.

SilkCreekGallery, www.silkcreekgallery.etsy.com
10% of everything in the store sold.

MamaJody54, www.mamajody54.etsy.com/
20% of everything in the store sold.

CBLandCompany, www.cblandcompany.etsy.com/
10% of all sales for the month of January.

JewelryBargainShop, www.jewelrybargainshop.etsy.com/
10% of all sales for the month of January.

BeadzNStonezSupplies, www.beadznstonezsupplies.etsy.com/
$20 donation

BeadedTail, beadedtail.etsy.com/
25% of all sales for the month of January

crochetbymsa: crochetbymsa.etsy.com
10% of all sales for the month of January

Arrivingangels: arrivingangels.etsy.com
10% of all sales for the month of January

Wildlifer78: www.wildlifer78.etsy.com/
25% of all sales for month of January

AJStuff: www.wildlifer78.etsy.com
50% of everything in my Etsy Angels Charity Section

Posted at 1:22am Jan 1, 2011 EST

Ozarknana says


I wanted to thank you all so very, very much...you have gotten me through some rough times this past year and I couldn't of made it without you! Here's hoping that 2011 will be a much better year for everyone, that health and happiness will be with us all and that our businesses will do well!

Hugs, Mel

Posted at 1:31am Jan 1, 2011 EST

Ozarknana says

From Mona (pulled forward from our December thread)

Sewinggranny says:


WEll, it is anything but quiet here...they have been hauling them in for hours....soon we will be stacking them...lol...not really!

Peggy, nice to see you, December was a horrible month for me for sales too, hoping January is better.

Glad to see so many angels commit to another charity!

Posted at 1:33am Jan 1, 2011 EST

Ozarknana says

Mona, wow, and here I thought P.E.I. would be this sleepy little island! LOL...sounds like you've got your work cut out for you tonight...they give you combat pay ....right?

LOL...Happy New Year Mona!

Posted at 1:35am Jan 1, 2011 EST

lol...but we do know how to party!!!!! No, combat pay! Oh what a sight to see people coming in all dressed up...the last female ...wow...bet she will not feel wow in the morning!

Melana, I know how you feel, there were times when I came to our thread to escape and you helped me through some real rough times too...Here is hoping 2011 will be a better year for us all!

Posted at 1:52am Jan 1, 2011 EST

Happy 2011!!! Melana, we are ALWAYS here for you....and all of our Angel Sisters!!! Some of us have been here since late 2007! Can't believe it's been that long! WOW!

Hey Mona! That's hilarious...but at the same time I hate to hear about so many disruptive people coming to 'visit'...
we heard fireworks throughout the night...uggh!!!!

So....I hope ORVAL gets us started on a great year!

Posted at 10:11am Jan 1, 2011 EST

Happy New Year everyone! Hoping you all have the best year ever! It has to be better than 2010.
Quiet night here last night, didn't want to end up like Mona's "visitors" LOL

Going to spend the day listing and catching up on some other work.

Hope you all have a wonderful day and hope we can raise a bunch of money this month for those fur babies!

Posted at 10:18am Jan 1, 2011 EST


"ORVAL is Ouachita River Valley Animal League. The purpose behind this organization is to help provide assistance to those "furbaby parents" who can't afford medical care to their new pets.

Ozarknana, www.Ozarknana.etsy.com
50% of each Charity Mascot, 10% of everything else in store sold.

Sewinggranny, www.sewinggranny.etsy.com/
10% of everything in the store sold.

SilkCreekGallery, www.silkcreekgallery.etsy.com
10% of everything in the store sold.

MamaJody54, www.mamajody54.etsy.com/
20% of everything in the store sold.

CBLandCompany, www.cblandcompany.etsy.com/
10% of all sales for the month of January.

JewelryBargainShop, www.jewelrybargainshop.etsy.com/
10% of all sales for the month of January.

BeadzNStonezSupplies, www.beadznstonezsupplies.etsy.com/
$20 donation

BeadedTail, beadedtail.etsy.com/
25% of all sales for the month of January

crochetbymsa: crochetbymsa.etsy.com
10% of all sales for the month of January

Arrivingangels: arrivingangels.etsy.com
10% of all sales for the month of January

Wildlifer78: www.wildlifer78.etsy.com/
25% of all sales for month of January

AJStuff: www.wildlifer78.etsy.com
50% of everything in my Etsy Angels Charity Section

10% of sales!

Posted at 10:31am Jan 1, 2011 EST