Promotional Frenzy Thread - Gain Exposure NOW!

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galla15 says

Promotional Frenzy Thread -(est. Oct. 2010) This thread is about gaining visibility, building SEO and promoting.
Do you want more sales? More views? More shop and item hearts? More search engine exposure?

***************** SALES over 300 ******************

If you want to network, and gain visibility with your shop this is the thread for you.

****You will get what you give here.**** Those that are active will gain the most benefit.

Feel free to share your social networking links, blog links, flickr links etc. The key is to stay for awhile and network and participate in all the events you can.

*** DO NOT share links to other threads, and other BNR's in this thread please. None of us will benefit from directing traffic away from ourselves. If we all promote each other, those that are active in the thread... and support each event in this thread you will see the most benefit.

Very detailed information can be found here:
This blog is updated regularly to keep you informed of the day’s events so if you have questions check it regularly to find answers.

It will be beneficial if you have some social networking sites when joining this thread. We can help you establish some of those if you need help. Twitter, facebook, blog, stumbleupon, kaboodle etc.

BNR Treasuries will be held regularly. Treasuries created to highlight those shops that regularly help this thread... ONLY active shops should receive the benefits from this event.

And special events To Be Announced. We all try to blog and have a blog list that links back to our shops. The master list can be found on my blog or Gifts blog. We ONLY add a shop that is active, and that has added a list to their blog. These are extremely valuable backlinks for your shop, and we will give them to those that reciprocate. We try to update the list ONCE per week.

The success of this venture depends on everyone putting their effort into the common pot. The more you and everyone add, the greater your odds of bringing more customers to your store who want what you have and are willing to pay for it.

You may wonder whether you really have time for this. While we realize everyone is busy with a variety of activities each day, you should view this as one part of what you do to nurture your business, set aside some time each day, and come join us!


SOLO Promotions will be done once a week. Your shop has to participate in ONE event for the week to qualify for a SOLO promotion. One event will only require 10-30 minutes for the entire week for your shop to earn valuable promotions.

For more details on what this all means read this blog post:

For help with treasuries and BNR's Contact:

For help with blogging and creating a blog list:

For help with social networking sites:

General thread questions and scheduling:

Posted at 1:07pm Jan 2, 2011 EST


galla15 says

***** ANNOUNCEMENT ************

There are changes coming to our schedule of events.

Monday IS STILL the BNR.
BUT we will not be blogging on Monday.

Here is the new schedule: (I will be updated my blog with this information so you can reference it there too)

Monday - BNR

Tuesday - Promo Frenzy

Wednesday - Blogging

Thursday - List an Item

Friday - Treasury

Saturday - Solo Frenzy

Sunday - OFF to relax and recoup LOL


This way we don't have anything conflicting with the BNR. Everyone can 100% focus on it.

The other reason for the changes is I wanted the frenzies spread out. To have the thread frenzy then the solo frenzy back to back limited our ability to promote.
since Stumbleupon cuts us all off. So this way we will be able to promote to the max.

When it is your turn you will want huge results, so let's help each other get that!

Posted at 1:08pm Jan 2, 2011 EST

BijiBijoux says

Good morning Galla!

Posted at 1:09pm Jan 2, 2011 EST

BijiBijoux says

My Blog


My shop

FREE SHIPPING to US and Canada on any purchases $20 and over !!!

Posted at 1:09pm Jan 2, 2011 EST

galla15 says

Giftbearer says:
* Please re-post Often! Thanks! *

Promotional Frenzy Presents; Jewelry-lovers BNR Treasury



This Monday's BNR is a special one. We are trying something new this time to increase the average pricepoint in BNRs and to promote jewelry (which is one of the most difficult items to sell on Etsy).

This is how it works;

1) First we will have 8 jewelry sellers with 1 item each in the BNR. The other 8 slots are left blank.

2) The first 4 people to buy from one of those sellers will get 2 slots each. (These first 4 buyers do not replace the sellers they buy from, but instead take two of the empty slots).

3) This round will have a $15.00 minimum buy-in. That can include more than one lower-priced piece which totals at least $15.00, one or more substantial pieces, or a mix of price-points which adds up to or exceeds the buy-in minimum.

4) Once all slots are filled it will revert to a regular BNR treasury (1 slot per 1 bought out), although we encourage people to continue to show love to the remaining jewelry sellers if at all possible. Think of anybody you know who would love to receive jewelry or buy something special for yourself that maybe you've been eyeing for awhile but have yet to purchase.

This way we encourage buyers to buy thoughtful things they really like; not just the least expensive item to get into the treasury.

Posted below are the 8 shop links so that you can have time before opening to look through the shops at your liesure and choose something special without having to rush through them during the excitement of the BNR when it goes live.


The link to the BNR Treasury will be posted in my blog shortly before we open at 4:00 PM Monday.

Posted at 1:09pm Jan 2, 2011 EST

galla15 says

LOL BIJI you found the thread before I announced it!!!

Posted at 1:09pm Jan 2, 2011 EST

BijiBijoux says

I was in the thread promoting a bnr my shop is featured in it. lol

Posted at 1:12pm Jan 2, 2011 EST

galla15 says

I didn't even annouce I was doing a new thread though.
How did you see it so fast???

Posted at 1:12pm Jan 2, 2011 EST