Australian Flood Appeal Details/Comments/Updates/Donations

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Original Post

artnomadix says

OK Time for a new Thread

Thankyou Etsy Admin for 'permission' to go ahead

For those wishing to donate to

1.... Please be patient in all situations, as it is, and will continue to be, Another Huge Job for the DUST team volunteers,
listing everything, replying to emails and convos, and then sending out shipping details.etc.etc.etc.

2.... Please send the following information in an email to

and put “Flood Appeal Donation” in the title line.

*Your shop name/link
*Your location and country
*Item Name/Title
*Item Price
*Item Description
*Materials used
*10 tags
*Up to 5 clear photos of the item

**AND 3 **
________________ If you donate something already listed in your personal shop, you MUST UN-LIST it when you send your email details !!!

Please remember that you will also be donating the cost of postage so please specify if you have restrictions of where you post to.

When your item sells one of the admin will contact you with the shipping info.

Thank you all, for the support so far, items in the shop are selling as fast as we can list them. This shop will continue on for as long as is needed, as it will be a huge job over as the areas affected is larger the the state of Texas, and France and Germany combined.
Brisbane is the third largest Capital city in Australia !

All funds raised (less fees) are being donated to the Queensland Premier's Flood Relief Appeal, which is a genuine registered charity appeal.

Please feel free to ask questions, or post links to updated news in here, and we will use this thread to keep you updated .......

Adversity brings out the best in people as the News Channels keeps showing us, the support and help being offered by strangers, to people directly impacted.

Posted at 7:43pm Jan 12, 2011 EST



Posted at 8:03pm Jan 12, 2011 EST

Awesome info artnomadix.
I've already made a purchase at the shop, some lovely things going up, AND going to such a great cause.
Some people will be homeless for months. I think you'll find every Australian will know someone directly affected. I've already heard from two friends today who have water up to their ceilings - they have lost everything they couldn't move in time.
Please consider what that would mean for you personally - losing everything you own and love - and donate OR make a purchase.

Posted at 8:04pm Jan 12, 2011 EST

Luv2Have avatar
Luv2Have says

I'll be donating, marking for the information to email!

Posted at 8:05pm Jan 12, 2011 EST

marking for later - i'll be donating

Posted at 8:07pm Jan 12, 2011 EST

Admin avatar
TagsandLabels says

Have just donated 30 customised fabric sew-in labels :-)

This is a great cause, and so close to home for many of us.

Posted at 8:09pm Jan 12, 2011 EST

Admin avatar
TagsandLabels says

bumping up for this worthy cause :-)

Posted at 8:27pm Jan 12, 2011 EST

crochetgal avatar
crochetgal says

I contacted someone at that e-mail address about 24 hours ago and haven't heard anything back... should I resend the e-mail?

Posted at 8:31pm Jan 12, 2011 EST

I've just donated five prints and will be donating all profits from my store too to try and help raise funds!

Posted at 8:51pm Jan 12, 2011 EST