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BeccasBeadCreations avatar
BeccasBeadCreations says

Well I've always been a keep your eyes and mind open and your head up type of a person. So, I'm saving my pennies, working very hard at my day job so I will keep it and thanking my higher power everyday for everything my husband and I have.

My mother is an accountant for a large company in the computer field and I know that her company is going through massive layoffs. Almost 1/3 of the company! I don't think this recession is going to hit just the financial industries, but then again I've been wrong before.

Posted at 6:19am Sep 16, 2008 EDT

lishlash says

Having a SO that works in investment banking it is a veryscary, stressful and pretty heartbreaking time for many... at the moment it feels a bit like the end of the world is coming.

However, spending on luxury goods is up (and always is prior to a depression), people want to spend money on making themselves feel better - so currently i'm not worried about my etsy shop.

Posted at 6:33am Sep 16, 2008 EDT

MIZombie says

I think it's kinda funny in a way~ Michigan has lost 400,000 manufacturing jobs due to NAFTA and China being admitted in WTO. It's no longer funny to laugh at Michigan any more I guess~

Keep buying foreign made! Keep sending our money out of country! Hungry? Eat some Toyota, Sony TVs, and Haier refrigerators~ I hear they taste good with ketchup!

Posted at 7:37am Sep 16, 2008 EDT

PussDaddy avatar
PussDaddy says

Well, in all honesty, often foriegn made goods are better made than American made goods. Take cars for example. American made cars' parts are not interchangeable always between makes and models like foriegn made cars are, making repairs very expensive or hard to do. It is not the case with all things, though.

Posted at 8:21am Sep 16, 2008 EDT

MIZombie says

Don't believe the hype~

Posted at 8:59am Sep 16, 2008 EDT

PussDaddy avatar
PussDaddy says

Uhhm, well, I don't believe all of it. But my dad is a mechanic and has been all his life, so it is pretty much true about cars.

Posted at 9:08am Sep 16, 2008 EDT

MelodysUnchained avatar
MelodysUnchained says

We had to leave Michigan - hubby's job went bankrupt and was bought by a company in AL. Most of my friends up there are out of work, too.

After trying to sell the house, we had to let it go. We lost a car, our house, my home-based web business, and filed bankruptcy. Not a proud moment. But we no longer have credit card debt hanging over our heads. And although we live pretty much paycheck to paycheck and the only job I can get right now is minimum wage, and we have learned to do without a lot of the frivolous things we used to have/do, we have a teeny roof over our heads and one car gets good gas mileage.

I would have loved to buy more school things for DD, but she/we have what we need for now. She doesn't mind thrift store clothes so much. I just worry for our parents and their SS...

Posted at 9:17am Sep 16, 2008 EDT

MelodysUnchained...m sorry to hear that!

Yeah, I also worry about SS...but Ive decided that today Im not even going to turn on the TV, I dont need anything else to clutter my brain

Posted at 9:41am Sep 16, 2008 EDT

The news always stesses me out. It's a good idea just not to watch it.

Posted at 9:54am Sep 16, 2008 EDT

MelodysUnchained says:
We had to leave Michigan - hubby's job went bankrupt and was bought by a company in AL. Most of my friends up there are out of work, too.

After trying to sell the house, we had to let it go. We lost a car, our house, my home-based web business, and filed bankruptcy. Not a proud moment. But we no longer have credit card debt hanging over our heads. And although we live pretty much paycheck to paycheck and the only job I can get right now is minimum wage, and we have learned to do without a lot of the frivolous things we used to have/do, we have a teeny roof over our heads and one car gets good gas mileage.

I would have loved to buy more school things for DD, but she/we have what we need for now. She doesn't mind thrift store clothes so much. I just worry for our parents and their SS...
Roof over the head, decent clothing, food, parents. I'd say you've got it covered for your child. Everything else is a want.

Posted at 9:57am Sep 16, 2008 EDT