GOT GLASS? The FIRE DIVAS do!...New Lampwork Listings - Week of 10/19-10/25

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Good morning Divas!

I wanted to share this beautiful heart by KimVGlass!

I actually have a weekend day off, whoo hoo! Going to make beads today! Have a good one!

Posted at 11:49am Oct 24, 2009 EDT

islandgirl says

Check out this gorgeous Eyeball choker of Janel's

Well we are having a typical Saturday Pouring rain and cold...

Off to make beads trying to put a dent in the order for 200 pieces of finished jewellery... 100 pieces of which are pairs of earrings... seems like I make 7 beads to get one pair of earrings....

NOthing new and there isn't even anything that's expired that I feel is worthy of wasting 20 cents on to relist!

Posted at 12:24pm Oct 24, 2009 EDT

islandgirl says

was just checking to see if my link worked and found Lester ... isn't he cute!

Posted at 12:26pm Oct 24, 2009 EDT

I love the colors & scrollwork in this bead of Janel's:

I just added this focal to my shop this morning. A similar one was snatched up immediately. Am hoping this one has the same success:

Posted at 1:02pm Oct 24, 2009 EDT

Good morning Divas. I'm cleaning out my shop to tape an online tv show Monday.... UGH!

Lea, I love this fish

Check your shop... I think you sold one of your featured items. (I so wish Etsy would just put something there when that happens!)

Lynne, Great dolphin!

Posted at 2:13pm Oct 24, 2009 EDT

glassbead says

Hey y'all. Just stopping in to wake my shop back up. Relisted this heart:
Hope everyone's having a good weekend!

Posted at 4:03pm Oct 24, 2009 EDT

Holly, how exciting, what is the show about or is it a secret?

Thank you Lea! Those colors worked well together! I love these colors..

Here's some more pretty colors by glassbead

and here's a favorite by KimVGlass

Posted at 11:10am Oct 25, 2009 EDT

Thanks Holly. It's been replaced now. Tell us more about the show. Sounds like fun....well, not the cleaning up part.

Janel, this is such a great deal! $12 for 12 lampwork beads. Awesome!

Posted at 12:28pm Oct 25, 2009 EDT

I meant to ask, have you or anyone else done well selling orphans that way? I have a bunch that I would love to sell.

Posted at 12:29pm Oct 25, 2009 EDT

glassbead says

I entered this flameworking contest. If anyone wants to look and vote, here's the link. The ballot is at the bottom of the page. My piece is called 'You Are Surprised.' Of course, you can vote for anyone you want... Marcy has a piece there too.

Posted at 1:32pm Oct 25, 2009 EDT