10 Ways to Advertise for Free

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berrybluecreations avatar
berrybluecreations says

One of my favorite forms of free advertising, besides those previously mentioned is to talk to the people in charge of exhibits at your Local Library. If you can get a week or two to fill a display case.. you'll be amazed at the response you get. Another one, especially for fellow doll makers is to find a local ____ Club I know there are tons of Cloth Doll Clubs all over the place. Maybe your medium of choice has a Guild.. look into it. If you make things that can be worn or carried, be your own model and wear your work everywhere you go. When you get a compliment or somebody asks where you got that piece, tell them, whip out a biz card or keep a notepad and pen handy so you can write it down for them.

And one more thing, If you have REALLY good pics of your work, upload them to
If the community there likes it and the pics get high enough ratings, you and your items can get a few seconds of glory on cable tv in between programs in a segment called "My Art". It doesn't cost anything and they have forums and other great features for ALL genres of art.. not just performance arts or Fine Arts. You can receive some good advice from other artists and loads of inspiration.

Posted at 1:32am Mar 19, 2010 EDT

molokaisun says

Thanks for the tips and also Thanks noabrumberg for the tip re:Craftomania, I had never heard of it!

Posted at 1:50am Mar 19, 2010 EDT

yes, thanks for the reminder. not all promos have to be costly. and *creative* solutions are the most appealing!

Posted at 1:53am Mar 19, 2010 EDT

Thanks, VerreDesign. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated!

Posted at 4:03am Mar 19, 2010 EDT

Woot! awesome tips! Thanks!


Posted at 4:10am Mar 19, 2010 EDT

Kankou says

This is great! I picked up about 3 things I can do here!
I think there are lots of people out there who want handmade items but don't know about the website.
Promoting ourselves bring them to the site and sales if not for ourselves then for another Etsy seller

Posted at 4:32am Mar 19, 2010 EDT

Great tips! Thank you.

Posted at 5:08am Mar 19, 2010 EDT

Make sure your friends have a couple of your business cards to carry with them in their bag or purse and for them to give to people that admire an item of yours they may be using or wearing. Ask other etsy shop owners to do this for you and do it for them in return. Always have your cards with you and look for opportunities to give them to people. Any time you meet another hand crafter, tell them about ETSY and give them your card with your shop address and ask them to check it out. Leave those cards any where you can. You just never know where you are planting a seed.

Posted at 5:14am Mar 19, 2010 EDT

LafesHiddenTreasures avatar
LafesHiddenTreasures says

Thanks for the tips.

Posted at 5:47am Mar 19, 2010 EDT

Nice list! also, take advantage of project wonderful, some advertising spots are free, and whilst they may not get much traffic you can still get soem good hits from there!

Some free project wonderful spots on my blog www.hiphopsideproject.com
(they say that they start from 1c, but they actually start from 0c!)

Posted at 5:54am Mar 19, 2010 EDT