♣♠♥♦SNEAK ATTACK♣♠♥♦ Thursday, April 15 at 7:00PM EDT

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Engelfelt says

verveinteriors said:
Ugh. They tried to make me do discus and shotput, cause of my sturdy-and-tall look, but they soon found out how miserably unathletic I am.

I can. not. run. So I swam instead. Much better when gravity isn't pounding down on you full force...

Posted at 12:28am Apr 16, 2010 EDT

Engelfelt says

verveinteriors said:
It's totally for me- how shameful is that!

Hmmmm.... K or V?

Who's K? :)))))

Posted at 12:28am Apr 16, 2010 EDT

Engelfelt says

How tall are you, verve?

Posted at 12:29am Apr 16, 2010 EDT

Engelfelt said:
verveinteriors said:
It's totally for me- how shameful is that!

Hmmmm.... K or V?

Who's K? :)))))

Some dumb chick I know.

Posted at 12:30am Apr 16, 2010 EDT

Engelfelt said:
How tall are you, verve?

5'8", so I was pretty tall for a junior-high kid.

Posted at 12:31am Apr 16, 2010 EDT

LaBeq says

I've never been coordinated enough to swim. Well, like for racing type swimming. Could never get the hang of when to breathe.

Posted at 12:32am Apr 16, 2010 EDT

I've run in the past- I really, really wish I had stuck with it. It's the one thing I can do- minimal coordination and minimal concentration required.

Posted at 12:35am Apr 16, 2010 EDT

Engelfelt says

verveinteriors said:
Engelfelt said:
How tall are you, verve?

5'8", so I was pretty tall for a junior-high kid.

I'm a relative shortie at 5 ft 5

Posted at 12:36am Apr 16, 2010 EDT