New BNR!!! Come and buy! Get promoted!

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No, sadly, I didn't watch any!

Posted at 11:18pm Aug 13, 2009 EDT

How the BNR works:

1. Make a purchase from a shop on the list - be sure to use the most current list!
2. Return to this thread and post who you bought from and a link to your completed transaction(s)
3. One of the listmasters will update the list to remove that shop and add yours!
4. Play fair – don't double dip. If you purchase from someone who is on more than one BNR list, only participate in one list!
Here are the rules specific to this BNR:

♥No minimum or maximum purchase required.

♥Prizes sponsored by different shops will be given away randomly!

♥You must check in at least once a week to keep your * and stay on the list!

♥Listmasters do not get replaced; instead, you get 2 *'s if you purchase from them!

♥You also may get extra *'s if you buy from multiple shops (1 * for each purchase), if you make a treasury using items from the shops on this list (1 *), or if you sponsor a prize for the list (2 **).

♥To help promote the list, put the URL to the thread in your shop announcement so people know that you are part of a list.

♥ If you buy from more than one shop on the list, each one loses one star.

♥Each transaction counts as a purchase, regardless of how many items you buy from that shop.

♥If you have more than one shop, list them when you make your purchase, and I will add them. They all go under the same *, though!

Listmasters--buy from a listmaster and get an extra * !

The List:
1. ****
2. ***
3. ****
4. *
5. ***
6. *
7. *
8. *
9. OR OR OR ***
10. OR *
11. **

Posted at 11:19pm Aug 13, 2009 EDT

quotesandnotes avatar
quotesandnotes says

Birthday quotes gift tags and clips:

Posted at 1:47am Aug 17, 2009 EDT

Hi everyone! Today I was able to practice my spinning, and I spun something that actually looks like YARN! I'm very excited, and can't wait to spin more. :)

Posted at 4:49pm Aug 19, 2009 EDT

quotesandnotes avatar
quotesandnotes says

Are you going to be selling some of your handspun yarn? :)

Posted at 6:54pm Aug 19, 2009 EDT

I'm not sure, quotes. It'll be awhile before I have yarn that is nice enough to sell - hee hee. Right now I'm using prepared roving, too. (I am not doing any carding, dyeing, etc. right now.) But it would be fun! :)

Posted at 1:14pm Aug 21, 2009 EDT


This BnR is now closed due to lack of movement, and also because I don't have time to moderate. As some of you know, I am closing most of my shop. (I will be keeping the items that I sell at the B&M shop in my Etsy shop as well, but everything else: when it's gone, it's gone.) I don't have time to keep up with Etsy and all the other obligations I have.

So it is with sadness that I hereby officially close this BnR.

If any of you would like to keep this going, feel free to start a new thread with the same shop list; but I can't mod anymore.

Thank you for your participation!

Posted at 2:17pm Aug 21, 2009 EDT