Is Matt Leaving Etsy?

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shoofly says

Did Artsy ever get her date? ;)

Posted at 9:06pm Sep 4, 2008 EDT

matt says


I must say I am very flattered and blushing as I read through these pages. Thanks. I am not leaving Etsy and I remain more committed to the company than ever. As Maria and Rob have mentioned, this is a time of change for us. Not a change in heart, vibe, or soul, but more of an evolution of sorts. We all want to make Etsy the very best it can be, and bringing on a more experienced marketing person is the correct thing to do at this stage in Etsy's growth. We, collectively, have done a great deal to bring members to the site (1.3 million and counting), and I am very proud to see how far Etsy has come since the days we worked from a cat-filled apartment in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. Don't get me wrong, there is still an incredible amount of work to do in the months ahead, and I have all the horses hitched to the buggy right now. (In the days to come, I will be sharing the details of my holiday marketing strategy)

As far as my future role here.

I am and will continue to be deeply involved in many parts of Etsy behind the scenes. Mostly, I am very passionate about fixing what needs fixing so we can make sure that all of Etsy's potential energy goes kinetic. No matter what, I will make sure we get the right person with the right soul and temperament to take the reins of marketing. Once that happens, you will be seeing a great deal me of more, I am sure. I am looking forward to it

Thanks again for the kind words.

Your Friend, Matt

Posted at 9:10pm Sep 4, 2008 EDT

Outlined says

Good to hear Matt!

Thanks for keeping us up to speed & I'm sure all of us look forward to hearing about your holiday marketing strategies.

Posted at 9:12pm Sep 4, 2008 EDT

KarmaRox says

I ♥ Matt!

Posted at 9:13pm Sep 4, 2008 EDT

EyePopArt says

Well that's good news! Thanks, Matt!

Posted at 9:15pm Sep 4, 2008 EDT

rubyjo says

That is good news alround. Thanks for your reply Matt.

Posted at 9:17pm Sep 4, 2008 EDT

aosLeather says

awwww -- Group Hug!!

Posted at 9:18pm Sep 4, 2008 EDT

KarmaRox says

Matt for President!

Posted at 9:19pm Sep 4, 2008 EDT

So happy to hear you are here to stay, Matt! :-)

Posted at 9:19pm Sep 4, 2008 EDT

Thanks for the personal response, Matt! Glad to hear you'll be sticking around!

Posted at 9:21pm Sep 4, 2008 EDT