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antb says

Oh, and since it is OK to direct people to off site posts, I am linking you to a blog by this person that someone else who got a convo told me about.
It gives an idea what the convo was like. Only with more hell references.


Posted at 11:41pm Oct 28, 2008 EDT

antb says


Posted at 11:42pm Oct 28, 2008 EDT

Jesus was born in a Christian home?!!!

Posted at 11:44pm Oct 28, 2008 EDT

HautTotes says

You rock! I didn't get a bonus blog with my hate mail :(

Posted at 11:44pm Oct 28, 2008 EDT

HautTotes says

Jewish I believe, but what do I know I'm going to hell.

Posted at 11:45pm Oct 28, 2008 EDT

antb says:
Oh, and since it is OK to direct people to off site posts, I am linking you to a blog by this person that someone else who got a convo told me about.
It gives an idea what the convo was like. Only with more hell references.

I am completely embarassed on behalf of my religion. "By their fruits you will know them [Christians]" and her sh*t STINKS. How awful.

She did take/use your image without permission, can you contact blogspot and ask them to have her at least remove it?

Posted at 11:45pm Oct 28, 2008 EDT

That is just some 'nasty' business.

...act like a duck, let it all roll off; not like a sponge.

Posted at 11:45pm Oct 28, 2008 EDT

Personal attacks need to be nipped in the bud; and be done.
This is business. Keep the emotion out of it. Finish it off.

Posted at 11:46pm Oct 28, 2008 EDT

loopyboopy says

I'm feeling a bit ill after reading that link antb..thanks!

Posted at 11:47pm Oct 28, 2008 EDT

HautTotes says

Well, this has been fun, I feel like part of a group now. LOL

I'm saying goodbye so I am not around when this gets locked (any second now I figure) I think I'm already on Admins. bad side.


Posted at 11:47pm Oct 28, 2008 EDT