Too sexy to fly? Did ya hear this one?

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ActivityGrrrl says:

Being yourself and being appropriate can live in the same body.
yea, I feel you on that one.

Posted at 3:55pm Sep 7, 2007 EDT

AlbinaRose says

That may be what young girls wear. And maybe that's part of the problem. I see young middle school girls dressing like that and I'll never understand parents who allow 11-13 year olds to wear those clothes. I only have boys, so I may not be qualified to comment on this. Just my opinion.

Posted at 3:55pm Sep 7, 2007 EDT

Yep, it was the entire plane that was configured like that.

It's been several years, but it seems like it was groups of 4. 2 seats facing 2, then across the aisle the same thing.

Posted at 3:55pm Sep 7, 2007 EDT

AlbinaRose says:
That may be what young girls wear. And maybe that's part of the problem. I see young middle school girls dressing like that and I'll never understand parents who allow 11-13 year olds to wear those clothes. I only have boys, so I may not be qualified to comment on this. Just my opinion.

Yea, I have a daughter and taught her at an early age she can look smoking hot without showing all her business.

She makes me laugh when she points out to me girls younger than her (16) who are dressed inappropriately. It's just a matter of parental standards.

Posted at 3:58pm Sep 7, 2007 EDT

Hmm. All I've ever seen is the standard three per side, and in those sections (they have a name I'm desperately trying to remember), it's three rear-facing, so they're facing the first row of regular seats.

Perhaps you rode on a plane that was specially configured for something. I know tall guys like those seats for the legroom. Maybe it had been configured with fewer seats and lots of room for a basketball team or something.

Posted at 3:59pm Sep 7, 2007 EDT

rosybird says

I just don't see how that skirt could be comfortable, it seems like her bare butt would be touching the seat~ it's gross both ways, the fact that her cootch is touching it, and how many other people have sat there.
I have a fear of public cushion fabric~ esp. when it is cloth and has been there since the 70's.

Posted at 4:01pm Sep 7, 2007 EDT

AlbinaRose says

When my youngest son, who is now 19, was in 8th grade, they had a big incident because some of the boys told a girl she looked hot. They dragged them all in to the office, lectured them, then had them have a lesson on sexual harassment. Which is not a bad thing in and of itself.

However, then I found out what this little 8th grade girl was wearing at the time and I was a little upset.

And I say this as a mom of 3 boys who we have brought up to be respectful of other people.

I think it's sexual harassment to allow these young girls in middle through high school to wear low rise pants, cropped tops, thongs showing over the top of their jeans, both tops and jeans looking like they were painted on, then in the classroom, having them sit next to teenage boys at an age their hormones are raging, and telling said boys, don't look, don't comment, don't do anything or you will be charged with sexual harassment.

It's gotta go both ways for the system to work. Teach the boys to respect the girls in their lives and teach the girls to respect themselves and dress appropriately.

Again, I'm only referring to middle and high school age boys and girls. After high school, they're on their own.

Posted at 4:01pm Sep 7, 2007 EDT

kobedog says

was just having a conversation about girls clothing with someone yesterday. i've seen 5 year old girls wearing mini skirts and hooker boots. what is UP with that?!

Posted at 4:04pm Sep 7, 2007 EDT

AlbinaRose says

Kobedog, I blame the parents who will buy that for their 5-year olds. Talk about caving in to the industry dictating what our kids should be wearing. I guess the marketing people just want to start training them young so they'll have them by the time they're 11. Makes me sick.

Posted at 4:06pm Sep 7, 2007 EDT

jujuw says

personally....i SURE hope the style trends change...i could handle a little modest dressing...and i'm no prude

Posted at 4:07pm Sep 7, 2007 EDT