GOT GLASS? The FIRE DIVAS do!...This Week's New Lampwork Listings 8/24-8/30

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Hi Divas,
I snagged another Treasury. This one is a fall theme called "Summer's End" and features several beautiful Diva beads.

Posted at 1:20am Aug 29, 2009 EDT

Oops! The link would have been helpful, huh?

Posted at 1:21am Aug 29, 2009 EDT

OMG! Lara, You picked my That's one of my silly little "trash pulls." Well...probably my favorite one EVER...but a trash pull just the same! THANK YOU!

Posted at 9:06am Aug 29, 2009 EDT

Both treasuries open in a few hours...Blue, yours is gorgeous.

Lara, I must know how you got such a LONG pic to upload...that chalcedony bead... OY!

Posted at 9:22am Aug 29, 2009 EDT

I worked on a new blog layout to allow contests to remain at the top...

Posted at 10:35am Aug 29, 2009 EDT

love all the glasswork!

Posted at 10:42am Aug 29, 2009 EDT

Thank you for the compliment SILKSBYKAYLAORIGINAL! This is pretty!

Holly I love the colors in this heart!

Here is a new set, just listed.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Posted at 11:21am Aug 29, 2009 EDT

OMG!!! August is a record breaking month for me on Etsy. THREE SALES! Not much by some of your standards but a first for me! Yay!

Janel, Thanks... love the colors in this hemp bracelet.

SILKSBYKAYLAORIGINAL! Thanks for stopping by!

Bluelagoon... this heart is mesmerizing!

Posted at 11:58am Aug 29, 2009 EDT

glassbead says

Congrats, Holly! I actually had a double sale the other day- the first sale in months. And how much fun are these?
Janel, this is a cute set:
Bluelagoon, this is so cool:
Market is done, and it actually went fairly well. Here's a fish relist from me:
Happy weekend!

Posted at 4:03pm Aug 29, 2009 EDT

islandgirl says

Here's the link to the fire divas blog for our diva of the day today we have beads because I couldn't pick my favorite fish from Laurie's shop!

Posted at 4:44pm Aug 29, 2009 EDT