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Hi Cailey (Raynee Deigh) ~ thank you so very much from Sam and I ~

we appreciate your help and support no end!

Lily and a smooch from Mr Whiskers :)

Posted at 9:42pm Sep 19, 2009 EDT

Well when I saw the pictures of Sam and how cute and fluffy he is, I had to contribute. :-) I figure I got extremely lucky having a dad for a vet so I can donate too.

Posted at 9:48pm Sep 19, 2009 EDT

Sammy Update 7.30 pm Saturday

Earlier this afternoon we secured Sam's enclosure to our floor with a whole bunch of duct tape :) Which worked ....

until I went out the room for a few minutes ~

and when I came back in because he was having a Sammy
"I wanna get out here fit" there he was front and back legs up on the bars of the cage! OMG I freaked and quickly unlocked the gate to get him off the bars ~ but before I could reach him he fell backwards ~ not landing on his feet :(

Gabe and I were both so worried that he had further hurt himself but after a few minutes we could tell he was okay

This boy is a WORRY!

So what we did was pick him up how the vet showed us and took him out to the sunroom ~ which is a flash name for a little extension on the back of our house that Sam and Koru always get locked up in at night-time together ~

We had Sam proofed it ~ took out the couch and chair and anything else he may want to try to get up on ~ just left some soft bedding for him to lay down on ~ and put his litter box out there with him

He settled right down ~ didn't walk around ~ and was content to just lay and look out all the windows at the backyard and the birds in the trees :)

So I think what I will do is split his time between the enclosure and the sun room ~ that way he will begin to know that he doesn't have to be in there all the time and can still enjoy the sights and sounds of the outside world without being out :)

Oh, and when I just checked on him through the window from inside into the sunroom there is a big pile of poop in the litter box ~
woohoo ~ I guess he could "go" properly when he relaxed a little :)

I think that healing for his soul is as important as healing for his body and I believe that stress is the worst thing for him ~

Mr Whiskers wants you all to know how much he appreciates all your kindness and care that you have shown him and will try to stay out of any kind of trouble!

Love Lily and Sammy

Posted at 9:52pm Sep 19, 2009 EDT

Wow, Lily, that's awesome! It sounds like he's turning a corner, for the better. :D I'm sorry he hurt himself, but I'm guessing he must be feeling a bit more like himself...

Sorry I've been off-line most of the day. I checked in and updated my blog a few minutes ago:

One mention... I noticed people were posting "GreyTDesigns" and that isn't a valid username.
It was greytdogz.etsy.com

Shops with "Help Sammy" donations going on:

TwoStrayCats.etsy.com Sammy's family

MoLStationery.etsy.com 65% of all MoL book sales and 75% of all graphics sales.. plus matching donations by 50%

chicadolly.etsy.com & faeriegood.etsy.com 25% of all sales profits this week

GenuineArticle.etsy.com & GenuineArt.etsy.com 50% of the proceeds from both of my Etsy shops

glasscircus.etsy.com 25% of my sales

aztek721.etsy.com 50% of any photo sales

Adornyourself.etsy.com 15% of all sales this coming weekend (Sept 18-22) excluding shipping charges

Dearange.etsy.com 100% of the purchase price of Fancy Wearables (as seen on Sammy and Koru)

LittleJumpingBeans.etsy.com 40% of all the sales from shoes this weekend

deersprite.etsy.com 10% of all sales (pre-shipping) until the end of September, off the REGULAR price. If you mention "Sammy" in the message to seller, I will also give you a 10% discount - but Sammy will still get the 10% of the original price.

TaraFlyPhotos.etsy.com profits from print sales of "The Letter" and "Mr. Darcy"

WindandHoney.etsy.com 15% of sales this month

laurart.etsy.com 15% for each sale. I'll donate an extra 5% if the customer mentions in the note how they've helped shed light on this animal in need, via Twitter or blogging.

meherio68.etsy.com 50 % of all sales from now on and until the end of September

Sybillinart.etsy.com 50% of the sales of any of my cat related items

ASecondTime.etsy.com 100% of the profits from the sale of these two items in September

LuminousDreamDesigns.etsy.com 100% of the profits from the sales of her print until next Friday: www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=30684781

thebeadedhound.etsy.com 10% of sales for the rest of the month

greytdogz.etsy.com the proceeds from the sale of Custom Pet Themed Digital Photo page. www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=25607442

rayneedeigh.etsy.com 40% of all sales before shipping will be donated to Sammy

Please re-post periodically

Posted at 9:58pm Sep 19, 2009 EDT

good evening! (Hi Raynee!)

Posted at 10:13pm Sep 19, 2009 EDT

Carol avatar
faeriegood says

Hi all, went to town yesterday and was busy catching up on chores most of the day here.. I wanted to stop in and say I'm still vigilant in my positive sends to Lily and Sammy for healing..now it's time to gather and feed my five furries.. so goodnight for now..so glad things are moving in the right direction!!

Posted at 10:50pm Sep 19, 2009 EDT

I was just thinking this ...

Actually I'm kind of surprised that Sam's moving around like he is after seeing the Xrays from the vet ~ she showed us "normal" bone placement and then Sammy's and his is really messed up ~ he is better on his left side than his right ~ it's like his leg gives out on him if he tries to turn and the movement is strained ~ it's like it won't go around properly ~ hard to explain

I will be looking forward to taking him to the vet's again in a few days so they can give us their opinion ~ hey wouldn't it be cool if they basically said that they couldn't believe how well he's doing in such a short time and that it is a miracle! All because of everyone's love and support and well wishes being sent his way :) from all of you here!

Thanks so much for everything, every single one of you :)

Love Lily

Posted at 10:53pm Sep 19, 2009 EDT

Hurray for more financial support for Sammy! :D I had another two sales, so I'm sending more along, too. :)

Lily, thanks for the update! :) I'm so glad that you found a solution that calms Sammy down and he was able to go to the bathroom properly. :) I agree that the stress is the worst thing for them. They don't understand much of what's going on, and the boundaries enforced on their life make little sense. Something familiar like the sunroom is just the thing. :)

Have a good sleep, everyone!

Posted at 10:53pm Sep 19, 2009 EDT

That would be great, Lily! Here's hoping for a miracle! :)

Posted at 10:54pm Sep 19, 2009 EDT

Thanks so much Sarah for all your support of Sammy ~ I just know that he knows how everyone is pulling together to help him ~

I print off all the convos and read him the messages too :)
It seems to keep him calm if I'm reading or singing to him :P
He must be the only one in the world that likes my singing ~ everyone else (Gabe, my Mum etc) always begs me to stop!

Posted at 10:56pm Sep 19, 2009 EDT