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poetsummer avatar
poetsummer says

I just called my best friend and told her to buy something too. hhahaha. I only wish I could be there to see her face.

Posted at 2:19pm Oct 3, 2008 EDT

phippsart says

You can see the current qualifications for shops on the main page of the site. They don't have to be new, but just not have very many sales yet. One thing, please don't send shop suggestions directly to me. The reason for this is that I want to avoid self promotion in this at all costs! The fear is that people will try to suggest their own shop (this has already happened) or they will suggest their friends shop and so on. I really want this to remain a charitable thing to do for OTHERS.

For this reason I am using "sponsors" to help find shops. You can volunteer to be a sponsor (convo me) and I'll work with you one on one to find a shop. I'll also send you info on what is involved.

Posted at 2:20pm Oct 3, 2008 EDT

I love it, I feel so excited! My OH said that if it was me I'd be devastated as I'd have to delist a lot on my website and on other places I sell, and it would panic me that I wouldn't be able to fulfill orders quickly. I told him he was a moron lol

Posted at 2:20pm Oct 3, 2008 EDT

DragonRags avatar
DragonRags says

Ikow, so YOU'RE the one that got the journal I wanted! ;)

Fun! Gorgeous journal. :)

Posted at 2:21pm Oct 3, 2008 EDT

TheEbonSwan avatar
TheEbonSwan says


Posted at 2:21pm Oct 3, 2008 EDT

KarmaRox says

If anyone is interested in sponsoring an attack--it's fun and easy....

To be a sponsor, in addition to finding the shop:

- Start a thread on the morning of the attack inviting people to participate. I put one in Etc. and on in Business Topics

In the thread make sure to tell what a sneak attack is (you can copy and paste from previous threads). Indicate what time it will happen and give the site link

-Do some promoting to make sure people show up. It could be as simple as posting in your thread occasionally to keep it alive, or you could go crazy and invite friends, invite people in the chat, etc. The intensity of your promotion is up to you.

-Send a convo to the seller at the time of the attack. Tell them they are being "Sneak Attacked" and refer them to the site so they can find out what it is. You can also refer them to the thread so they can choose to comment if they are so inclined, though they shouldn't feel obligated.

That's it really. You're shop link will go on the site permanently as a sponsor.

Posted at 2:22pm Oct 3, 2008 EDT

Karina avatar
KreatedbyKarina says

KarmaRox says:
I haven't heard from her yet.

She probably works during the day and can't/doesn't access the internet?

Posted at 2:22pm Oct 3, 2008 EDT

Lizzypops says

doh. I forgot to write "sneak attack" in the message :(

*smacks forehead*

Posted at 2:22pm Oct 3, 2008 EDT

i just LOVE this idea! puts a smile on my face just thinking about it. many thanks to phipps for the reat idea, and to karma for sponsoring!

i got these cuties:

Posted at 2:22pm Oct 3, 2008 EDT

DragonRags avatar
DragonRags says

LOL! Pennydog, I WOULD panic! It would mean my shop would be empty for a while, except for the photography. ;)

...Not that it would be a BAD thing...

Posted at 2:22pm Oct 3, 2008 EDT