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Racheal Anilyse avatar
rachealanilyse says

hehe anne! despite your vision troubles i found your post to be very entertaining. :)

pickmepaper----i'm considering newsletters too. but i don't know how to make html ones. and i don't know if i would cross the boundaries of being a spammer...since i don't have much to update about i guess. and i don't know who i would send it to. half my contacts are my family.

anyone else do a newsletter??

Posted at 9:58am Mar 16, 2009 EDT

Hi everyone...I've been away for a bit and doing some catching up. Looks like I missed out on a few things!

I like Kis4Calligraphy too. LOL Racheal- twitter being "short and annoying"-that was funny! :D I couldn't fit my whole name on twitter either.

I am in the process of setting up my work room/office, so right now everything is put away again. I'm sure it's going to take me a while to get organized!

Posted at 10:48am Mar 16, 2009 EDT

Hi to all! I will have to do some catching up but wanted to share - after a "dead" weekend with 0 sales, I have been cheered up and featured in 2 different treasuries! YAY!!! Take a look:

Posted at 5:12pm Mar 16, 2009 EDT

Paperquick says

Good for you paperpeddler!!
I'm having a HUGE SALE on my site until next Wednesday. I've got surgery on Wednesday and will be out of commission for awhile so trying to get stuff sold now.
Happy Tuesday to everyone!!

Posted at 9:03am Mar 17, 2009 EDT

moderncard says

Hi Everyone!
I've been making a lot of Easter Eggs lately. I love the little stickers I just made that are great for filling little Easter Baskets.

Off to check out your treasuries paperpeddler!

Happy St.Patrick's Day!

Posted at 3:06pm Mar 17, 2009 EDT

Hey Rachelanilyse:

I kind of have some of the same feelings about newsletters..I just thought I'd give it a try. If it works, great, if not, then oh well! I don't have many people either, so I am doing a sign up on my blog and all of that. Not too many takers yet, but we'll see. I'm hopoing too that if people want to contribue, it will be some PR for them, plus everyone brings different talents to the table. To be continued I guess..:)

Posted at 4:13pm Mar 17, 2009 EDT

Good morning everyone! Happy hump day to all!!!

Modern - very cute as always!

KCal - definitely Kis4Calligraphy

Timeless and Aplus - nice to hear from you guys!

Hi also to Rach,Queenie, CS, Pick me Paper, Emma, Delores (wherever you are?) - hope I didn't miss anyone?

New Team blog post is up:

Hope everyone has a happy and productive day - I am hoping to spend some time on ning today, been missing it!

until later....

Posted at 9:51am Mar 18, 2009 EDT

Racheal Anilyse avatar
rachealanilyse says

ummmm i just bought some original art from heather smith jones. i think i should get off etsy for today...or at least until i get more money:)

Posted at 1:26pm Mar 18, 2009 EDT

Happy hump day!! (is it the weekend yet???) :)

Posted at 5:08pm Mar 18, 2009 EDT

Hi all..sorry I have been MIA. Throwing a bridal shower for my God sister (or as I like to call her my "faux sister") tomorrow evening. Been busy with the preparations.

And the March Madness is sinking in! In honor of all the talent...

aplusa and all hoop/paper fans, I got brave and blogged my bracket choices filled out in calligraphy!
I am with you Anne, I put Pittsburgh as my fav to win the tourni!

And I am finally a new tweeter (very new I warn you) here is my twitter address:
Thank you for all your help figuring out what my twitter name should be! Still getting used to it.

happy hump day pickme!

Sarah you are rockstar with our blog! Thank you!

And Emma if you are lurking I am on my way to answer your sweet convo!

xo, Katy

Posted at 3:19am Mar 19, 2009 EDT